SFD performs yet another rope rescue3 min read

Photo Courtesy of Charlie Allen 

Emergency crews rescued a 30-year-old man near Red Rock Crossing on Sunday, Jan. 7, around 4 p.m. after he fell 30 to 50 feet, making it the third rope rescue in the area since Christmas.

By Trista Steers
Larson Newspapers

Emergency crews rescued a 30-year-old man near Red Rock Crossing on Sunday, Jan. 7, around 4 p.m. after he fell 30 to 50 feet, making it the third rope rescue in the area since Christmas.

Sedona Fire District, Arizona Department of Public Safety and Cottonwood Guardian Air worked together to evacuate the man, who suffered head and other internal injuries.


Guardian Air transported the man to Flagstaff Medical Center after SFD and DPS removed him from the place he fell.

This is the fourth hiking-related rescue — the third involving rope — SFD responded to since Dec. 27.

“They [rescue calls] go in spurts,” SFD Public Information Officer Gary Johnson said. “It’s normal to have the calls. The number and the type vary. It isn’t like we run them everyday.”

SFD conducted a solo rescue Dec. 27 on Bell Rock, east of Hwy. 179, when a California woman lost her balance and fell off a small ledge.

Crews were called out again Jan. 3 when two local teenage boys found themselves trapped on Castle Rock as night fell. An Arizona Department of Public Safety helicopter and Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue responded as well.

On Monday, Jan. 8, crews located a lost hiker on Sherman Mountain with the help of a Cottonwood Guardian Air helicopter and walked the women out.

Three of the four rescues required SFD crews to use rope, something every SFD firefighter receives basic training in and 18 SFD Technical Rescue Team members have mastered.

Sunday’s rescue required a “short haul” performed by TRT member Mark Freel. A short haul is when a rescuer is lowered from a helicopter by a rope. The rescuer makes contact with the victim, harnesses the victim to the rope as well and the helicopter hauls them both to a safe drop-off location.

DPS helped SFD with the short haul while Guardian Air stood by. Once DPS and SFD evacuated the victim, Guardian Air transported him to FMC.

According to Johnson, two helicopters were used to save time wasted converting the rescue helicopter into a transport helicopter.

Reasoning falls under what Johnson calls the “Golden Hour” methodology. From the time the incident occurs to the moment the patient arrives at the medical facility is crucial. Johnson said SFD tries to make this happen within an hour.

Johnson encourages hikers to be prepared if they decide to head out into the red rocks. Items taken should include appropriate clothing, proper footwear, food, water and a cell phone.

Prior plans should be made and a person not attending the hike should be told where hikers plan to go and when they plan to return.

If new to hiking or the area, Johnson suggests buying a trail map, prior evaluation of trails and selection of an appropriate trail. Johnson also advises sticking to designated trails.

This time of year, hikers also need to remember warm days don’t mean warm nights, Johnson said. When the sun goes down, so does the temperature.

“Unlike summer,” Johnson said, “come 5:30, 6 p.m., it’s dark.”

Larson Newspapers

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