Yavapai County Board of Supervisors Recap2 min read


County supervisors approved appointment of Lucy Corder as District 2 Consumer Representative to the Food Safety Industry Council, replacing David Garrett, with a term to expire January 2010, by request of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Office.

Board of Supervisors Actions taken at the Monday, Jan. 7 meeting of Yavapai County Board of Supervisors

Approved appointment of Lucy Corder as District 2 Consumer Representative to the Food Safety Industry Council, replacing David Garrett, with a term to expire January 2010, by request of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Office.

Allocated up to $55,000 from capital improvement funds to pave the driveway to county buildings next to the Yavapai County Fairgrounds and to perform other work there.

Cancelled the Tuesday, March 11, election for Highland Pines Domestic Water Improvement District, and appointed to the district’s Board of Directors Phyllis Border, John Byrne and John Davidson, all of whom filed nominating petitions as required by state law.


Approves appointment of precinct committee members as recommended by the Yavapai County Republican Party and also acknowledge removal of precinct committee members.

Cancelled the March 11 election for Central Yavapai Hospital District and appointed to the district’s board of directors the only person who filed a nominating petition, Donald Olson. Extended for three years an existing use permit that allows two horses on 0.6 acres pre-existing non-conforming parcel in residential zoning district.

Granted a use permit to allow an existing Arizona Public Service power pole at a height of approximately 52 feet with four panel antennas in a non-conforming 0.25 acre parcel in a residential zoning district

Considered the reappointment of Norman Perry, District 2, to the Yavapai County Trails Committee with a three-year term.

Approved the poll workers, early board workers, central board workers and troubleshooters for the Tuesday, Feb. 5, Presidential Preference Election.

Authorized Yavapai County Long Term Care Director Jesse Eller to sign provider contracts, amendments, memorandums of agreement and other documents related to the ongoing operations of the long term care program.

Approved a request from Yavapai County Sheriff Steve Waugh to take one county vehicle out of state for two employees to attend “Vehicle GPS Tracking” training in Las Vegas.

Approved YCSO request to accept an Arizona Department of Homeland Security grant in the amount of $177,263 for the purchase of a community notification reverse 9-1-1 system.

This system will be sent to bid upon receipt of the grant moneys.

Greg Ruland
Larson Newspapers

Larson Newspapers

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