Two hikers rescued from Bell Rock2 min read

Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue units rescued two hikers stranded on Bell Rock outside the Village of Oak Creek, Tuesday, March 25, according to YCSO.

The hikers were identified as 29-year-old Vinoad Senguttuvan of White Plains, N.Y., and his sister, 24-year-old Umadevi Senguttuvan, also of White Plains.

During a family outing to Bell Rock, the hikers split off from family members and continued climbing to a higher point on the monument, but soon realized they were not capable of descending safely to rejoin their family.

Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue units rescued two hikers stranded on Bell Rock outside the Village of Oak Creek, Tuesday, March 25, according to YCSO.

The hikers were identified as 29-year-old Vinoad Senguttuvan of White Plains, N.Y., and his sister, 24-year-old Umadevi Senguttuvan, also of White Plains.

During a family outing to Bell Rock, the hikers split off from family members and continued climbing to a higher point on the monument, but soon realized they were not capable of descending safely to rejoin their family.


The couple panicked because of the steep rock face and decided to use a cell phone to call for assistance. The hikers were directed to remain in place and await the rescue team.

Members of the Verde Search and Rescue Posse, Hasty Team, handled the rescue without additional resources. A four-man team was was able to reach the hikers safely and assist in their descent shortly before 5 p.m.. Both hikers were in good condition and sustained no injuries.

Rescuers discovered that neither hiker had taken any water, food or other safety equipment and were not dressed adequately to handle the cold nighttime temperatures.

YCSO reminds those enjoying the Arizona wilderness to hike on trails within their abilities. Hikers should prepare by reviewing maps and trail information provided at most visitor centers in the area and U.S Forest Service Ranger stations. Additional information is available at, sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service.

– Greg Ruland,

Larson Newspapers

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