Work continues around Sedona4 min read

Changes to construction plans can happen frequently due to weather, equipment availability and personnel issues. We try to anticipate construction activities a week in advance but changes may occur. Intermittent lane closures, with short delays, may not always be known in advance.

Changes to construction plans can happen frequently due to weather, equipment availability and personnel issues. We try to anticipate construction activities a week in advance but changes may occur. Intermittent lane closures, with short delays, may not always be known in advance.

Project 1

n Crews are completing the roadway south of the Village of Oak Creek, including work on the medians as well as work along the sides of the road.

n The old pavement is mostly removed from the northbound alignment through the forest. Work is underway on two box culverts, which will convey stormwater under the new roadway.

Project 2


n In response to input from the community and city of Sedona, Arizona Department of Transportation changed traffic control Thursday, April 17, on Hwy. 89A in the area of the Sedona post office and Brewer Road. The center lane that previously was used for turning in the area will be utilized as a through lane for the next few weeks to provide priority to northbound Hwy. 89A traffic.

There will be no left hand turns allowed into and out of Brewer Road. Brewer Road will be right-in, right-out only until the Brewer Road roundabout is complete within the next couple of months. Please plan to use Ranger Road.

Hwy. 89A will be reduced to one lane in each direction within the next few weeks to allow for the safe construction of the Brewer Road roundabout. ADOT will provide as much notice as possible of this change so that the community can plan for traffic delays.

n Crews will begin installing temporary pavement this week on the north side of Hwy. 179 between the Oak Creek Bridge and Ranger Road to facilitate the storm drain installation at that location. The storm drain will be placed down the center of the road, rather than down the side of the road, a change that was made last fall to protect the roots of the trees that line the Tlaquepaque arts and crafts village wall and as many as possible of the trees across the street.

Because the installation will be down the center of the road, traffic impacts are certain. Crews will cut the trench, lay the pipe and backfill as quickly as possible but will need to pass across the entrances to businesses in the area, including Portal Lane, and during those times the entrances will be restricted to right-in, right-out only.

We have added a temporary RoadRunner shuttle stop in front of Crystal Castle and New Age Center while the storm drain works its way down the middle of the road. Please do not cross the construction zone on foot. A much safer way to access the area is to ride the shuttle on its short loop around the business districts that encompass Hwy. 179 and Uptown. Please look for marked temporary stops in the gallery section.

n Work continues on the

abutments and drill shafts for the new Oak Creek bridge. Pedestrians are not permitted on the bridge during construction. When the project is complete, there will be excellent pedestrian accommodation throughout the entire area, with dedicated sidewalks, crosswalks and even a special bridge over Oak Creek dedicated for pedestrian movement and creek observation. During construction, we ask for safety reasons that pedestrians stay clear of the area.

n Work is progressing on the gas line and storm drain installation, along with a number of other utility activities. ADOT monitors the traffic backups and makes adjustments to the signal at the ‘Y’ intersection, signage and placement of flaggers. However, traffic backups are to be expected through the construction zone as this is a major roadway reconstruction.

n Morgan Road is being realigned to correct the angle for the roundabout at that location and elements of the roundabout are now visible.

n Work is progressing on the retaining wall near Poco Diablo, which cannot be easily seen from the road, but is a major structure that will be approximately 700 feet long and 20 feet high when it is complete.

n Minimal lane restrictions are in place as work proceeds on a number of underground structures associated with the new, wider roadway. Also, rough grade has begun, and the roadway will be taking shape over the next couple of months.

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