No construction Memorial Day weekend1 min read

All construction activities along State Route 89A and State Route 179 will stop at noon Friday, May 22, and resume at 6 a.m., Tuesday, May 26. Have a fun and safe holiday.

When walking along State Route 89A and State Route 179 through the construction zone, please stay on designated sidewalks. Pedestrians should refrain from walking through certain areas of the construction zone on or near unfinished sidewalks or retaining walls. Please utilize the public transportation that is available along the corridor as much as possible. Crosswalk paint striping is nearly complete at the roundabouts in Sedona along State Route 89A at the Brewer and ‘Y’ roundabouts. It is important to note that pedestrians should not cross through the center circle of the roundabout. All pedestrian crossings should be from street corner to street corner, as with any intersection.

Please watch for temporary traffic shifts near Back o’ Beyond and further north at Exposures Gallery and Hozho. During some of this work, traffic will be shifted into a football shape around the crews working in the center. Two-way traffic will be maintained.

Crews will continue construction of the curbing for the median islands between Back o’ Beyond and Chapel Road this week. Please exercise caution when driving through this area as construction vehicles will be entering and exiting the work zone during this activity.

The roundabout at Chapel Road is functional. Construction crews worked on the roundabout for three days including some night shifts.

Changes to construction plans can happen frequently due to weather, equipment availability and personnel issues.


For a complete listing of freeway and highway restrictions across Arizona visit ADOT’s Travel Information Site at or call 5-1-1.


Larson Newspapers

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