Chapel of the Holy Cross gets own bill in Congress4 min read


The Chapel of the Holy Cross has not been forgotten in negotiations to pass National Scenic Area legislation through Congress.

House Bill 4823 omits references to the chapel and its surrounding property that previously existed in the discussion draft.

In the discussion draft legislation, the Chapel of the Holy Cross was specifically mentioned in Section 3.

When U.S. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick [D-District 1] sent House Bill 4823 to Congress, however, the language was omitted, but the chapel deal hasn’t been cut from the process. Instead, it was written into its own bill.

Owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, the chapel and its visitor parking lot occupies an 11.07-acre parcel of land currently leased from the U.S. Forest Service just outside city limits in the Chapel area of Sedona.

The chapel could not continue to be leased from the USFS if the Sedona area becomes an NSA, making special consideration of the property necessary.


“Through her conversations with interested stakeholders and community members, Rep. Kirkpatrick found that the unique, specific issues concerning lands around the Chapel of the Holy Cross could be best addressed through separate legislation,” according to Joe Katz, Kirkpatrick’s press secretary.

“Along with the Sedona-Red Rock National Scenic Area Act of 2010 [HR 4823], she also introduced HR 4824 to authorize the conveyance of those lands,” Katz stated.

The initial draft gave the diocese 180 days after the bill’s enactment to purchase the parcel from the Coconino National Forest. The proposed bill gives the diocese up to one year to complete the sale.

If both bills pass a congressional vote, the diocese will pay fair market value to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the U.S. Forest Service.

The Secretary of Agriculture would determine the value of the land with an appraisal under two federal guidelines: the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.

The cost of the land has not yet been determined.

According to House Bill 4824, the funds from the sale must be used by the Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with Public Law 90-171, commonly known as the Sisk Act.

The secretary has to use the money for acquiring land or interests in land from willing sellers within the Sedona-Red Rock National Scenic Area within three years.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix did not return phone calls as of press time.

Text of the bill:


H.R. 4824

To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of land in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona.


Ms. KIRKPATRICK of Arizona introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on [no date provided].


To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of land in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) CONVEYANCE REQUIRED.—Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall convey, by sale, to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona (in this section referred to as the ‘‘Diocese’’), all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of land in the Coconino National Forest, Arizona, consisting of the approximately 11.07 acres and identified as lot 26 in section 30 of Township 17 North, Range 6 East, Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, as generally depicted on the map entitled “Chapel of the Holy Cross Parcel, Sedona, Arizona” and dated October 2009.

(b) CONSIDERATION.—As consideration for the conveyance of the parcel under subsection (a), the Diocese shall pay to the Secretary an amount equal to the fair market value of the parcel, as determined by the Secretary through an appraisal performed in accordance with—

(1) the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions; and

(2) the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

(c) USE OF SALE PROCEEDS.—Moneys received by the Secretary from the sale of land under subsection (a) shall be deposited in the fund established by Public Law 90–171 (commonly known as the Sisk Act; U.S.C. 484a) for use by the Secretary for the acquisition of land or interests in land from willing sellers within the Coconino National Forest. To the maximum extent practicable, the Secretary shall utilize such moneys for the authorized purpose within three years of the deposit of the moneys in the Sisk Act fund.

(d) MINOR ERRORS.—The Secretary and the Diocese may make, by mutual agreement, minor boundary adjustments in the parcel directed for sale under subsection (a). If there is a conflict between any map, acreage estimate, or a description of the land under this section, the map shall control unless the Secretary and the Diocese mutually agree otherwise.

Christopher Fox Graham

Christopher Fox Graham is the managing editor of the Sedona Rock Rock News, The Camp Verde Journal and the Cottonwood Journal Extra. Hired by Larson Newspapers as a copy editor in 2004, he became assistant manager editor in October 2009 and managing editor in August 2013. Graham has won awards for editorials, investigative news reporting, headline writing, page design and community service from the Arizona Newspapers Association. Graham has also been a guest contributor in Editor & Publisher magazine and featured in the LA Times, New York Post and San Francisco Chronicle. He lectures on journalism, media law and the First Amendment and is a nationally recognized performance aka slam poet. Retired U.S. Army Col. John Mills, former director of Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs referred to him as "Mr. Slam Poet."

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