Over the last four weeks I’ve creatively colored the elements in various hues and shades to illustrate our oneness to nature and each other. Today I will keep things simple and sum it all up with a reminder that we are all connected.
As artists, we have the power to create an amazing world filled with beautiful imagery and fantastic design. We build communities, nations, parks, museums and social structures. Lives are enriched with entertainment, design and imaginative works by the creative individuals who share their art. We sculpt, paint, photograph, sing and devise. Our work often comes directly from nature – and for that reason, we should always be mindful of our place in the grand scheme of things.
Using eco-friendly products and recycled materials when creating art is just the beginning. There are many other things to consider as we move forward through time. This can include anything from changing your energy habits to simply taking extra care when out in nature. Without going into great detail, here are a few things to remember. (Don’t forget to share what you do to keep the planet beautiful and safe while creating your art!)
There’s nothing more fabulous than trekking out into nature (especially here in Sedona) and setting up an easel or tripod to capture the beautiful landscape. If you are a plein air painter, you can choose to use eco-friendly paints and solvents while enjoying your painting expedition. Just remember to be mindful of the place you choose as your natural studio and tread carefully along your path. Consider the beauty you are about to capture and leave it as unscathed as you can. The more artists that find their way into the wild, the more conscious we should be of our own footprints we leave behind. Keep the world you capture beautiful and encourage others to do the same.
Acknowledge your connection to the natural world. Consider that we are connected to every living organism on the planet. Understand your impact on the world around us and remember to make decisions accordingly. Conserve as much as you can, because the days of consumption are over. Our children need our thoughts, deeds and actions to match a sustainable future – where they can live on (with our art), ideas and passions. We are the leaders and actors of change. With this comes great responsibility to the world and the people around us. Your compassion for the planet will shine through in all you create and do.
Be the example for others to follow – and they will.
Remember: grow; learn; conserve; preserve; create; question; educate; change; and free your mind.
About: Kelli Klymenko is an artist, a faculty member and the Marketing & Events Coordinator at Sedona Arts Center: a gathering place where artists can learn, teach, and exhibit their works at the center’s School of the Arts and Fine Art Gallery in uptown Sedona.