Communications not fully disclosed until mid-December5 min read

Emerson, “Man should take their knowledge from the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.”


Mercury is about to go retrograde early Thanksgiving morning! The winged messenger rules all commerce and communication, including items with moving parts, so it covers our thinking, writing, contracts, mail, emails, phones, computers, cars, etc. Retrograde means retro motion, going back, in the past; also going within. Let’s equate Mercury and the Earth as two trains on parallel tracks close to each other. Mercury may not really be going backward, but our train is going faster at that time, and when you look at the passengers on train Mercury, they all seem to be going backward, don’t they. Read on for full disclosure of an important day to mark on your calendar.


Without Mercury’s firm guiding influence ahead of us, helping pull things forward, it’s time to RE:  re-lax, re-think, re-view, etc. See people out of the past pop up, or see if the car or appliance doesn’t act up to point out where something needs to be re-paired, or see if there’s a mail mix-up. I’ve got a couple of personal example stories, below. There is good in everything.



It is a great time to vacation, edit your book, and work on your virtue of patience with delays; let things roll off your back. If you must sign an agreement, please re-read it slowly many times, because there may be key errors that would be binding. I’d suggest waiting to purchase Mercury-like holiday gifts until it has moved forward again, which will be at least Dec. 13. Notice what happens otherwise; very likely re-turns and re-placements.


Mercury retrogrades three times each year for about three and a half weeks each time. Though it won’t officially be going backwards until a week from now, Thanksgiving morning, what most astrologers may not disclose is that the shadow period is potent, considered just as noteworthy, and that’s where we are now, and have been since about November 5.


What is the shadow? Let’s say you’re going to exercise and walk up and down the long hall in your office building. You’re Mercury and the hall is the space in the zodiac sky. Action A is where you start your walk and continue to the end of the hall. Action B is the walking back to where you began Action A. Point A to Point B is called the shadow. Point B, going back over the same space, is the retrograde.


The two most intense times of the process are whenever Mercury Stops its forward movement to go Retrograde, at point B, and also when it Moves Forward Again, after retrograding, having returned to Point A again, which we can now also name Point C, where the retrograde has finished. That’s when there are the most intense delays and mix-ups, and include two days before, as well as two days after Point B, Nov. 22 through Nov. 26th; and two days before, as well as two days after Point C,  Dec. 11 through Dec. 15. Slow down and take more personal responsibility for being aware.


Once Mercury goes forward again at Point C there is ALWAYS new and crucial information that wasn’t available from Point A to B to C, so if you can, put off making important decisions until that new information shows up after the forward motion occurs, Dec. 13. It will be the missing link needed for that good decision.


Here are my real life examples.


Years ago I had six weeks to find a home rental and move. I knew that nearly the entire month ahead of me Mercury would be retrograde but had to look, as time was limited. I got to see so much, narrowed down exactly what I wanted, what real values were, and found only three potentials, none of which I really wanted and all required either fixing up or lowering very high cost. Weeks later those answers were not positive, but the very day Mercury went forward again there was a new ad in the paper which had everything I wanted and the price was right. I drove right over, loved it, and the contract was signed.


Years later, looking for office space, I found exactly what I wanted, but there was nothing currently available there. I wasn’t in a big hurry, had lots of faith, and knew Mercury was going retrograde within the week, meaning there would be new information once it completed its retrograde in several more weeks, and so I patiently waited, looking no further. The morning it turned forward I phoned and was told a renter had given notice the night before.


Do you have a Mercury retrograde story?


We like a weather forecast to plan our days under the sun. Rain is crucial too, and has a higher purpose than just a reason to offhandedly complain. So re-lax, re-juvenate, re-think, re-visit, and go within. Mark the date of full disclosure, when Mercury stops retrograding to turn forward early evening Tuesday, December 13. There will be a rainbow for you.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444 or Follow her on Facebook and Twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her website is  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling , tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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