Flying in space and time3 min read

I am flying right now –at this very moment – in space, from mountain to eastern time; writing on the fold-out tray not in the upright position. Before I describe my first big take-off in nearly 20 years, let’s start with the first story.


I had a shoulder bag, carry-on luggage plus two suitcases (for a lengthy trip).What I didn’t notice until I took them out of the car to wheel them to the parking garage elevator, to then wheel them to the bus shuttle location, was that my brand new Samsonite luggage set didn’t have straps to connect any of the 3 pieces for wheeling, as my previous luggage had had, and there’s me with only two arms. What? That’s like a hotel room without a dresser.


I just knew someone would park near me and help, and sure enough a minute later, a pilot parked nearby and offered assistance –all the way onto the shuttle bus where another pilot took over and wheeled one inside for me, and retrieved a luggage cart that someone had discarded nearby, which would normally cost $4. Got through the ticket counter and moved onward to the gate, but of course, not before the famous security check. I put on my sockettes cause my shoes had to go in a bin.



I wasn’t touched in private nor non-private places by a security employee, as I’d been told to expect, so onward, without having had an intimate encounter, I trolleyed to the gate. A couple of days earlier I’d decided to pay an extra $10 online, to board early, and was able to get an aisle seat forward of the wing as I desired.


Not nervous at all still, even calm once on the plane, I’m almost ready to take you to the take-off moment. I did get to a place during the flight where I didn’t want to write about it any longer while it was still in flight, so some of my story is written after the fact. The flying fear fog of the past years did lift pretty well in recent months, yet though I took Dramamine before boarding, I noticed my heart beating harder as we began to taxi toward take off position. I did a head-to-toe mental visualization relaxation and it got better pretty quickly.


Are you ready for take-off? Here we go! The roar of the engines begins. I had my ear planes (plugs) in, hugged a little pillow I brought, to my chest with my arms, put my hands over my ears and inwardly repeated: “93,000 safe flights every day”  until we were in the air about 5 minutes. When I heard the captain come on with a pleasant report, I was relieved. Nevertheless, throughout some of the flight I told myself, “safe and comfortable” over and over. The couple next to me were ministers  and fly all over the world bringing an inter-faith message to Spanish-speaking people. He was 72 and she had recently recovered beautifully from a stroke. It was pleasant and comforting chatting, putting my mind elsewhere. On the other side were two rows of cute guys, not too young and not too old for me. They all had their boy toys; no not females but technological devices that kept them busy. I need to get me one of those; no not the technology; a grown up boy.


It’s morning, two hours earlier than I’m used to, and I have an appointment, so I have to fly right now. No not literally.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her website is  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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