High High, Moderate Middle and Low Low6 min read

Oh to live in the middle. Not where the characters of the TV program The Middle live, though I enjoy the show, but to exist in the center between high high and low low. Think of the equator, which is the center, middle location of earth between the north pole (high high) and south pole (low low). Of course not to literally reside at the earth’s equator.

The twelve step programs remind us that those high highs we feel when using substances, or see others exhibit, always balance with eventual low lows. Whether on substances or not, it is most rewarding to live in the moderate middle ground. It may be perceived as boring sometimes, especially when one is used to so many high highs (conveniently forgetting about those equal and opposite low lows that occur as a natural balancing act) but it is where we feel grounded, as opposed to living on roller coasters all the time. But boring is a perception. It can also be called peaceful and calm.

Letting an outburst of anger take over is a high high. How often do we want to hide afterward for the embarrassment of being out of control, possibly ‘highly’ inappropriate, or making a mountain out of a molehill, as they say. The low can be the embarrassment, need to apologize, crying, loss of someone dear or of a job, shame. When we live in the middle, in moderation, we can take time to ponder the see-saw to see both sides and can then calmly state our view, being open to another’s point, and again assessing. The habit of staying in quick reactive temperament that is a high high may feed the ego and we may not want to change a habitual behavior that has become so comfortable and familiar, yet keep in mind that much of what we see and hear on the news is a reflection of the collective consciousness.

In some spiritual circles the phrase ‘Let peace begin with me’ has been around for a long time. Changing my behavior may affect another’s, and theirs influence another’s. The chain reaction is endless in doing our part; eventually we could hear more peace talks on the news. Saying I’ll change when ‘they’ change, means you’re open to everyone else saying the same ‘cop out’ phrase, and willing to keep anger ruling over peace.

How to get there? How to stay there? You can think of your own scenarios and how to balance high with low to result in the moderation. There are many ways, depending on the circumstances.

Sure go ahead and ride those roller coasters and go high! Life is to be enjoyed. But that nice quiet car ride home, and next day hum drum/ humming of monotony/meditation walking back and forth as you mow the lawn is likely your opposite action, in the balance. Nice. Notice how the use of opposite/words used here can be the choice we make inwardly, then speak outward vocally. The Bible says, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What are you creating with your word?


If you give concerts you know the adrenaline is still rushing high high at the end, and some feed that feeling with drinking or drugs to keep it going. Then the next morning have the low low of a hangover and moving slowly, aching at each sound. An alternative could be to have some good food and those close to you, join your band winding yourselves to the middle moderate grounded ground in the hotel room to talk about it with awe, compliments and laughter, while eventually playing some more gentle music to get you ready for literally refreshing zestful rest.

For another thing, not to believe that our happiness depends on someone else or something else. Because just as we are all complex and changeable, so are other people and things. Find your middle inner self and know that you are created in the image of God. How are you showing what God is, through you?

Say someone wonderful in your life tells you they will come visit; a long journey. It likely lifted your heart. How high did you lift it? Did you give it a higher power than your higher power? How to keep it from going way out of bounds? Enjoy the joy from the thought, certainly! There is a line between excitement and obsession. Say they change their mind. Are you going to let yourself go too low? It will let you down according to how high you held it in having power over you. How about returning to center, the middle ground of moderation. By remembering that life is in flux all of the time. Everything has a positive reason that we may not understand right away, and something else interesting is likely around the corner, anyhow. Being able to return to the middle, is where positive attitude and expectations reside.

That cute and sexy girl that you dated for a couple of months may change, or change her mind for whatever reason. Had you expected with high high hopes that she was going to save your life and make you happy? I’ve heard a couple of reactions. One person wanted to die, and the other person told me he realized she had a lot of issues, wasn’t willing to help herself at all, changed, and he lost interest. The first person came to that same realization months later and was glad he didn’t end his time on earth because of another person.

It’s all about me; not ‘them.’ You; not ‘them.’  Our Self. Aligning our spirit with our soul. We are capable of making ourselves happy. We don’t need to be a rock star, have a partner, know our birth mother or father, or have them be perfect. We don’t need to have a child to make us happy. We don’t need to have a house, a job, a car, be perfect ourselves or have everyone agree with us to allow ourselves to be happy.

Yet happiness is often a magnet drawing healthy people and things to us. The fact that we are alive and have a mind and a heart are all the tools we need. The high highs don’t last, and neither do the low lows. If you’re caught in the drama of high high, breathe and come home to your middle. It’s delightful and reassuring to know what it’s like to live on the line in between high high and low low, no matter the circumstance. In the middle. In moderation, is authentic joy.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelspirit@earthlink.net. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is www.goddesstheway.com. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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