2nd man dies in motorcycle crash1 min read

Sedona police Department officers search a Toyota Camry involved in an accident that killed 67-year-old Sedona resident Desi Havasi on State Route 89A east of Dry Creek Road. The Camry reportedly turned eastbound onto the highway and collided with the dirt bike Thursday, May 10, shortly before 5 p.m. Havasi was the second fatality in three motorcycle accidents occurring May 9 and 10.
Christopher Fox Graham/Larson Newspapers

The second fatal motorcycle crash in as many days occurred in Sedona on Thursday, May 10.

The May 10 incident, which occurred in West Sedona near the Dry Creek Road intersection of West State Route 89A, took the life of 67-year-old Desi Havasi of Sedona. The accident occurred around 5 p.m. Havasi, operating a dirt bike, was not believed to be wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.

The incident marked the second fatal motorcycle crash in West Sedona in a two-day period and third crash total, said Sedona Police Department Cmdr. Ron Wheeler.

“The motorcycle was traveling westbound on State Route 89A in 3100 block by the Oak Creek Small Animal Clinic. A vehicle was attempting to come out onto State Route 89A and turn left to go eastbound. The driver pulled out in front of the motorcyclist [and] there was a collision. The motorcyclist was thrown from the motorcycle and was pronounced dead at the scene,” Wheeler said.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, May 16, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Larson Newspapers

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