Time sure flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? It also flies when you’re working on hard deadlines, major projects and when you’re just trying to catch up with life. I’ve been spending the last few weeks doing exactly that (deadlines; projects; life). When I thought it was never going to end, it was over and I realized that it felt like it had just begun. In that time I was able to complete an auction, update a website, design an entire magazine that went to print just moments ago, but I was not able to get this blog written.
Until now.
We’ve all been there, at creative crossroads, challenged by life’s particular mysteries and objectives. I often find myself wishing I could do more while actually doing more. I want to write, draw, travel and explore the universe, but it seems that life has its way of deciding that there really isn’t time for all of that. So I found myself completing the catalog while reminding myself every day to write this blog before I finished it. But as we travel along the arrow of time, entropy gets the best of us and the world piles on more and more.
The catalog’s finished.
I would tell you it gets easier, but that depends on how you decide to spend your time. No matter how much you may want to give yourself free time to create beautiful masterpieces that can be admired by the masses… time may not be willing to give itself up freely to you. Which gets us to thinking about time. Isn’t it subjective? What is time?
Time to me is how long it takes to finish a project; how long I have to spend with my children and the woman I love; what I have left when I’m finished; what I have to start with and what I plan to take with me when it’s all over. I can never truly have time, take time, give time or be in time. Time has me. Time has me rushing to the end of my days, quickly trying to voice my opinions, share my dreams and create joy in the precious lives around me.
Where did this blog go?
What was I getting at? Oh yes, time. It sure flies. Don’t let time pass you by they say. But most importantly, don’t let time dictate what you can or cannot do. Time will never run out. Time will be around for at least another 5 billion years or so on this planet… but it will continue on elsewhere. In which time, you can complete your art projects, masterpieces and art blogs. Don’t be afraid to be late. It’s never too late. (Did I say that already?)
I’ll write more, sketch more and complete more paintings of nebulae. But if I have another catalog to create… I may just be late.
Remember: grow; learn; conserve; preserve; create; question; educate; change; and free your mind.
About: Kelli Klymenko is an artist, a faculty member and the Marketing & Events Coordinator at Sedona Arts Center: a gathering place where artists can learn, teach, and exhibit their works at the center’s School of the Arts and Fine Art Gallery in uptown Sedona.