Most of us think of the planets just moving forward endlessly, but truth be known, except for the Sun and Moon, they all go retrograde, seemingly backwards, for different lengths of time. Sometimes my visual is that of hitching a ride on a star and they pulling us forward in our lives. It may be easier to think of hitching your car to a u-haul truck; the car being your life pulled forward on your path. Sometimes the driver slows down to stop for rest, refreshment and reflection.
Let’s say the driver pulls out from a hotel and gets on the highway. Astrologically, let’s call that drive the shadow. Imagine along that ride the driver had seen many things that you might like but kept driving. Eventually she stopped, deciding to go back (we call that stationing to go retrograde) got fuel and fed you both, then turned around and drove back in the opposite direction on the same highway to investigate what treasures she might find for you, and got several things she deemed valuable for you, which you appreciated.
The drive back is called the retrograde; going back over previous territory. The driver stops/stations again at the hotel where you had begun, in order to turn around, then drives in forward motion again from where she had originally started. That is termed stationing to go direct (at the hotel) and the forward motion again over the same road is also called a shadow.
For those of us who have studied the stars and planets, as I have for over 40 years, we associate love with the planet Venus. Also money and valuables! She has been on this entire retrograde course since entering her first forward motion shadow on April 12th. Venus only does this heavenly backstroke about once every two years. She slowed down to stop/station in mid May, went backwards/retrograde at that time to help you find things of value, and here’s the good news!…
She ceases going backward and stops (as if she’s at the hotel ) to turn around; i.e. stationing direct, slowly at first getting on the ramp to go forward again back on the same highway path she had been on before. That date is NOW…Wednesday, June 27th. You should have some valuables now; i.e. insights worth their weight in gold.
She’ll take some days to pick up full speed again and will return to where she had first turned back after deciding to look again at some things she thought would be good for you. On August 1st. it will be all new road forward again. But the gems are already in hand and you’ll tell your driver to pick up the good stuff as you go along now, so you don’t have to back track. The chaos, confusion and frustration are over!
Specifically, the original start of this particular journey (from the hotel), called the shadow of the retrograde period, was at 8 degrees Gemini. She stopped and turned back having reached 24 degrees Gemini. She got back to the hotel, then started forward again (from the hotel) at 8 degrees Gemini again, (NOW) and will be at the turning point of 24 degrees on August 1st when it’s all new road for you.
Generally after any planet stops retrograding seemingly backwards to start moving forward again (NOW), we have information and insight that we didn’t have before, which is generally crucial in moving forward in our life. In this case it would be about Venus energies; love, money and values. Venus is in Gemini so wherever you have Gemini from 8 to 24 degrees in your chart is where this occurred in your life. For me it affected my areas of publishing, broadcasting, publicity and career. Knowing it is moving forward again now, something or things will start to flourish more than before.
If you write your date of birth, exact time and location in the comments section below, I’d be happy to let you know in what part of your life things will start to pop much better for you, as the days begin to pick up speed. Maybe it’s your home, siblings, parents, romance, your job, income, inner self, etc. Feel free to share any insights you have gained, if you feel conversational. Also in the comments section, from last week’s article I would only need your date of birth to let you know your card of destiny and how that describes you.
The seeming heavenly reason behind all retrogrades is that instead of always pulling us forward in our lives, we are brought back and inward, to go over themes we’ve already experienced and look at them deeper. When it’s Venus, we’re rethinking love and values. We may revisit past relationship themes and realize how we can change our habits and patterns to make a better future on the road ahead.
Same with money. When Venus is retrograde it’s not a good time to make big purchases, but we can think about what we want. What we decide ultimately, may be different than what we thought before the retrograde.
Venus also rules the feminine, desires and beauty. Best not to get a makeover during Venus retrograde, because you may not love it. You may have felt like decluttering, though. Would you agree we might realize more fully that beauty is within and has more depth and meaning than outward looks? Will you go after your desires now that you’ve had time to reflect?
Take the initiative and use your new insights as we go forward now. Clear sailing. Love and money can grow again, Venus having given you time to think more deeply about how to invest your heart, wallet and life in real value.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.