The passion that comes with true love is one of those things that seems out of our control. And why is it that out of the blue we may feel ready again if we haven’t had a relationship for some time, and/or we seem to be more popular all of a sudden?
Fasten your seat belt because for the first time in two years Mars, the planet of passion, energy, action and motivation stepped back into Libra, the sign of grace, harmony and relationships with significant others, including marriage! So the light is green to go and we’ve got about two months that the action will be about key relationships. The two months after that will find Mars taking action with intimate and deeply bonding Scorpio.
This truly begins a relationship time of this year. With all that goes on in the heavens, there are other factors to consider, so I want you to understand some important criteria. In last week’s article I gave a complete visual scenario about a drive up and back, then up again on the highway, to explain retrogrades. Yes indeed, Venus the planet that rules Libra love and relationships just finished its retrograde and is almost up to full speed taking us forward again into those lovely experiences. She’s in the sign of flirty, charming Gemini, which can bring more than one person to enjoy having fun with.
Drumroll! Mercury (which rules communication in all forms) is in its shadow to go retrograde now, slowing us down and stalling forward movement. There are two sides of the coin in how things may play out. On one hand, we may hear from, communicate with or run into people we haven’t spoken to in a while, and talk about issues regarding passion with many people, as Mercury is in romantic Leo.
On the other hand, it’s the hand of God asking us to take a time out and think more deeply about Leo issues of love, romance and dating; as in what needs tweaking and what can we do better, so that after Mercury is done retrograding backwards we have new insights and agreements, are cleaned and spiffed up.
Then Mars in Libra, and afterward in Scorpio, will have better clearance to take off and be able to do what it does best; lift us up to full action for creating healthy passionate and loving relationship experiences. Venus, just out of its own retrograde is also eager to fulfill its purpose and will heave a sigh of relief when Mercury is done putting things on hold, allowing her to completely saturate us with love.
With Mars’ passion in Libra’s sign of relationships; Venus’s love in charming, dazzling, fun-loving flirty Gemini; and Mercury’s communication focusing on the aspects of romantic Leo, the time couldn’t be better for assessing how to truly create great relationships. I’ll throw some sugar in the recipe because the Sun is in Cancer, adding more of the ingredient dealing with people from our past, even past lives; those who we feel like we’ve met or known before, and those who somehow feel like family and want to nurture us.
Another way you may use this soup of tastes is to become Mars in Libra balanced and harmonious about how we Venus in Gemini speak to Sun in Cancer family and revive Mercury in Leo love stronger, especially to a Leo theme of children or healing our own inner child, Cancer-theme of childhood memories. Looking ahead again, when the Sun moves from past and family Cancer into Leo, in about two weeks from now, we’ll come out of Cancer hibernation into the Leo spotlight, which will shine even more brightly on romance and dating for a month from then.
For those already in committed relationships, the times will bring sparkle and sizzle, issues can get ironed out nicely and fun can be had, even having great times with couples you may not have gone out with recently, finding new friends, and including family and kids more.
You can mark your calendars that Mercury starts its romantic Leo backstroke July 14th, though we are already in the first shadow. It doesn’t complete its backtrack to station direct until the bugle sounds reveille rousing us to forward motion again, so Mark this date… late night pacific time Tuesday, August 7, when things really start sparking and firing in all things relationship. Of course, give it some days to get up to full speed ahead again.
To clearly understand the retrograde terms I’m using, enjoy last week’s article, Love and Money Grow. Retrogrades are a household word already, so join the conversation. Knowing what key planets are doing is the difference between driving with your headlights off, out of control, or putting the light on your path, so you can see ahead and steer a smooth, soul-fulfilling ride, enjoying the attractions along the road. Why be in the dark, when you can be in the light that has been gifted to us in the heavenly skies; certainly a passionate, loving, nurturing, communicative guiding relationship from ‘above,’ and As Above So Below. As always, feel free to ask any questions or share insights in the comments section ‘below.’
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.