I’ve heard it said children are a product of their parental upbringing. We’ve all been children and some of us may differ on that opinion. For instance some people are born with noticeable challenges, while many children may have had nurturing, understanding parents but just have a streak for mischief. Still other kids were at a disadvantage if their parents weren’t present mentally, emotionally or physically, yet are upstanding citizens.
So perhaps parenting isn’t the common denominator. Is there one? I have my opinion on that and would like to hear yours. I believe we all have deep rooted experiences and memories from before birth that shade our emotional being, and may start to show from early on. I think that our current life experiences are meant to bring out our innate patterns which, only then, can be recognized and dealt with.
Take a child whose parents work hard and long to make a decent life for the family, and feels lonely and abandoned with only the housekeeper there until dinner or later, starting a pattern of staying in their room, shut off from others. To a different child that might have felt like heaven having a nice mom and dad at all, but to this very sensitive child it felt like deprivation. In fact to their siblings, if we were to ask them, they might report a very happy and festive family life in their growing years.
So what makes the difference if circumstances were the same? Could it be their inner perceptions, colored by past conditions even before birth? I believe so and the tale is in their astrological birth chart. What sign was the Sun in when they were born, representing their lifeforce; or the Moon, which reveals past life unresolved feelings; or Mercury, how we think and communicate; or Venus, what we love and want; or Mars, our energy and motivations. How about Saturn, their life lessons to grow from, or Pluto what is deep in the subconscious. What aspects do they make to each other, telling a deeper story? Astrology shed so much light about a person that we have to take much into consideration. Every planet and zodiac sign has a list of traits and characteristics.
For instance in the Bible we read, Isaiah 10:26: “Lift your eyes on high and behold who has created these. He who brings forth the starry hosts by numbers one by one and calls them forth by character.” And Psalms 19:3: “The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.”
So one can deduce that the planets and stars making up the zodiac areas in the sky which we can see with our own eyes, have characteristics and expression. From ancient times, people have been able to read what its language is saying to us. I believe we not only choose our parents for a divine reason to ultimately grow from, but we co-create our path and likely experiences by choosing our moment of birth, which moment captures where every heavenly body is and its energetic translation.
An educated astrologer can read its language and help a person by explaining how to use free will to make the best of their life. Whether one does, or when, is often destiny, often free will choices and often both.
There are opportune times for each one of us to heal certain issues, some come often, and some less often. If we fail to reach for the brass ring on the merry go round we may have to wait for the next ride around the circular motion. The planets go in a circular motion just like that merry go round and some move quickly and some very slowly. The Moon takes almost 30 days to make a complete circle around your chart, the Sun, Mercury and Venus more like one year, Mars nearly 2 years, Jupiter 12 years, Saturn 29 years, Uranus 84 years, Neptune 165 years and Pluto 284 years. Do you get an insight into how knowing where planets are in relation to you, can help you prepare and take advantage of your personal timing is? It is meant to be our guide, like a personal planner calendar.
Time is probably on your side whenever you feel inclined to dig up old roots that are weeds in your psyche. Make room for some healthy new growth that will benefit your days. Too many adults’ inner child as well as children, are still holding on to past hurts which cause acting out in ways that hurt others. Some go or are taken to counselors, spiritual or psychological, and others go to psychiatrists, who can prescribe medicine. Too many are put on pharmaceutical drugs for too long, which simply mask, hide and keep issues buried, when they can actually be rooted out of the psyche by talk and empowering counsel. Many seek alcohol, pot, cigarettes or street drugs to reach for every time a feeling comes that hurts them.
Those same drugs are so challenging to wean off of, so much so that I understand in England benzodiazapenes are only prescribed for a maximum of 3 weeks within a hospital setting. Here and elsewhere they’re given and taken like candy. Those include valium, xanax, klonopin, etc. Additionally it is documented that anti-depressants are also incredibly difficult to wean off. Ultimately too many people think they have to stay on all of these, which has made their spirit foggy and illusional. We see in the news so many horrific suicides, accidents and crimes toward others by those on drugs.
We all need someone to listen to us; to feel safe enough to speak about our issues, and get encouragement. Some need it often and you may be the lifeboat to someone you know or don’t know.
If you think about our history, long ago past and more recent, we have had wars and dismissive, disrespectul behaviors toward one another. With Pluto in Capricorn for the first time in 284 years, old traditions of how things have always been, and old buried pains and abuses are being exposed to be replanted with roots of humanitarian brotherhood. Now we need to help each other heal. Don’t put yourself in danger, but be a lifeline to someone, maybe yourself, so we’re not hiding and isolating ourselves with pain that can be rooted out and replaced with joy.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelspirit@earthlink.net. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her website is www.goddesstheway.com. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.