Let the Full Moon and UFOs Shine on Your Aquarius3 min read

First, know that we all have every sign of the zodiac within our personalities. Doesn’t matter if your Sun sign is Aquarius, or how you feel about its characteristics; you own it as you own every sign operating within your being.

The very first song I ever sang on stage was…This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which goes right into, Let the Sun Shine In. I heard Let the Sun Shine In within the last 24 hours, and today is our once-a-year Full Moon in Aquarius. That means the Moon is as bright and as big as it gets, residing in the zodiac part of the sky which is Aquarius. That also means the full light of the Moon is shining on the traits of Aquarius.

So, for all of us, expect lots of Aquarian characteristics to show up in your life, as well as the life we hear about on the national and global news scene, now and over the next two weeks at least. So I’ll just list some of them here for you.

Humanitarian work, brotherhood, friends, caring for the planet, truth without delusion, honesty, integrity, independence, freedom, revolution for better life, everything involving the airwaves such as computers, television, radio, enlightenment reaching masses, social media, network marketing, groups, clubs, futuristic things, space, UFO aircraft and aliens, inventions, unconventional innovation, shocks, surprises, utopia, idealism, higher consciousness, angel communication, seeing and living 40 years ahead of our time, uniqueness, originality, stepping outside of the old-fashioned, traditional limiting boxes into progress, alternative therapies and healing, the welfare of others en mass more than individually, healing emotional issues through detached higher intellect seeing the bigger loving picture. Aquarius is also a synonym for astrology. It’s spiritual guidance through connections with divine source. Awakening.

Overall, it’s time for living from your higher self by not judging others. Loving unconditionally. Expecting enlightened advancement in your life and the collective life. It means opening your mind to concepts of your idealistic, utopian thoughts as reality. Giving yourself permission to let your unique quirky voice be expressed. Letting yourself have some space and freedom, and not enabling someone else’s codependence. Being your true, authentic spirit and feeling free to be you.

Last evening, changing TV channels, I came across a show depicting UFOs in some of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, as well as other famous painters’. More than one show them hovering over Madonna and baby Jesus; one with four light beams shining down on them.  Well, that was surprising news to me. Perhaps to you too. We have come a long way, baby.


That is the kind of news this Full Moon is bringing us. Keep your eyes and ears open for more Aquarian transmissions. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…harmony, understanding, sympathy, trust abounding, no more falsehoods or derisions, golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelations and the mind’s true liberation. Then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelspirit@earthlink.net. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her website is www.goddesstheway.com.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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