The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow4 min read

The Stars must be aligned. You’ve heard that phrase or perhaps said it yourself, when something wonderful happened. There’s truth behind the old saying. Heavenly bodies affect everything. Let me help you count the ways that this is true in our lives.

Example one: A friend of mine was experiencing the day and hour of having to say goodbye to her daughter who was leaving home for the first time, ready to drive with her boyfriend 8 hours to begin college life. It was a sad time for my friend and an intense time and new adventure of the unknown for her daughter.

She phoned me distraught that her daughter and she had been bickering. Her child insisted on taking a nap, and my friend was upset daughter was going to get on the highway at a later time of day than mother would have liked, and also upset dealing with separation blues. I looked at my pocket ephemeris; the book of daily planetary motions, and saw the likely reason.

I explained that the Moon, which effects our emotions, was in the sign of Scorpio, which is about endings and new beginnings, mysteries into the unknown, as well as representing deep bonds we have with people, and deep emotions that we tend to bury. These are just a few characteristics, but if used in a negative way, we can be paranoid of things going wrong. They were both dealing with the loosening of intimate bonds, an ending, and sleep might have been a way of dealing with deep emotions her loving child was feeling.

The good news was that in a couple of hours the Moon would be entering Sagittarius, and I gave her the exact time. I let her know that the mood would change and the air would be light and happy, laughing and optimistic, as well as also having the traits ruling long distance travel, blessings and good luck, the excitement of adventure, plus higher education. How appropriate was that, and waking from sleep would be refreshing. I also pointed out that there was still a tremendous amount of daylight and even if they got on the road a couple of hours later, their drive and arrival would all be well lit by the Sun.

She phoned me later that that’s exactly what happened. Daughter awoke when the Moon was in Sag and all was happy, loving and positive. They both felt much better, and all went perfectly well.


Example two: Someone also very dear to me had Pluto enter her fourth house. Pluto rules Scorpio, so also brings powerfully transformative beginnings, and the fourth house rules home and residence. The very day Pluto moved in, she moved into the home of her dreams.

Example three: Saturn, the planet of limitations, restrictions and lessons to learn by hard work, entered her second house of earned income, about mid 2009, to stay for 2 ½ years. Sure enough, having been laid off right about then, she worked very hard and re-arranged her entire life to create a way to make income. Though it never rose to her past income, she looks forward to this coming Oct. 6 when Saturn departs, having taught her well, and the doors of earned income open wide once again, when the sky’s the limit.

So remember, the Sun will always come out. Might be within the hour, might be tomorrow. In fact it’s always there, perhaps behind a cloud that brings rain we need for growth. Ultimately the stars are always aligned in our favor; even when there are seeming cloudier times. Go with the flow, get plenty of rest and encouragement. Take classes, and learn about yourself. That’s what it’s all about. Do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around. Here comes the Sun.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading at either of her locations in Sedona, or by phone and skype.  Each consultation includes angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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