A couple of months ago, there were a few small setbacks right in a row, which, by the grace of God are not usual for me, and though things generally roll off my back, as I’m a serene person, I’m also a sensitive, so on a deeper level the events/people may drain some energy. I became tired. More tired than usual several times throughout the day, then it lasted day after day, then a week, then almost another week.
With any situation making an effort to get my attention, I examine the inner and outer for possible understanding and growth, and always remember that God has our best interests at heart. I saw a couple of valid astrological explanations for slowed down energy and those challenges, therefore was able to also know a date when that would lift.
I’d been working out at my gym several times a week, and though I didn’t intuitively believe my physical being was in crisis, to be thorough I met with my licensed medical doctor who specializes in synergy and energy, and affirmed my physical parts were nothing to be concerned about, and sought only to again raise my thyroid function, which had been an easy, natural ongoing process. But that wasn’t the real cause, either.
Was there more stress or pressure in my life than usual; too many things on my mind? Well, yes, I had been doing a lot of research about when to begin an extensive trip and what to do on that trip. Date potential seemed to be a window of up to two months from then, having to be timed around other people who invited me to stay with them, or who were going to be in the same area only for a day; or only available certain hours, so I had to wait on their schedules and decisions. Other hotels and appointments I wanted to firm up, required advance time to make them happen well. There were a lot of plates to balance in the air and my trip was dangling in a multitude of holding patterns. Was that it?
Always having faith that God is divine timing and everything works out, I just went with the flow of tired, not resisting, rather happily responding to what God desired from me then. Maybe this great rest was to store up for the big trip.
Well, once information began coming in and getting honed down bit by bit, I had my dates; it would be right away, and so began the magic of pulling everything together.
My energy returned to a greater degree; I was becoming excited with positive energy, and pushing the throttle forward to begin the great trip. I had learned a lesson on my recent travels six months ago, that I needed luggage which could attach pieces to each other, because I take a lot with me, and can’t handle every item separately, if I desire it all to efficiently move fluidly together with my every step. I bought new luggage, planned my outfits for every experience, had some clothing alterations, and at the last minute got a garment bag. What an inspiration…keep clothes on the hanger and lay them out in my car since it was a car trip. All appointments were firmed up, and off I went on a grand and thrilling adventure.
Once on the long, extensive trip I saw that each day required me to get up earlier than I was used to, that I was fully engaged every moment throughout each day and night, also not the usual for me, and time left me with less sleep many nights than I usually would have needed. So the intuitive thoughts which had come to me, were all useful. Having been fully loaded and charged with rest long before I began, I was up for the tremendous discharge of energy every day and every night.
Sometimes it’s just good to test our faith in God, go with what we’re given, listen to our lovely intuitive thoughts that we’re all given, always think positive, and see the revelations when they naturally come.
God is in charge, is divine timing, divine action, and always has our best interests at heart. Knowing that, and having faith in God, is the best way to go through our life’s journey.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is www.goddesstheway.com where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering insightful spiritual counsel Reading in Sedona, or by phone and skype. Each consultation begins with a complimentary guided visualization relaxing meditation, then includes angelic channeling with positive, empowering tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and complete astrology of you and others (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.