Three times each year, for about a month in length each time, there is a phenomenon we call mercury retrograde, when our communications and commerce systems get slowed down, delayed, and altogether misaligned in various ways. Not only are our machines not working smoothly, we’re not thinking as sharply as usual either, without mercury’s assistance. For about 3 weeks before mercury retrogrades, we are in what we call the shadow of the retrograde, and the energies are similar. I give you dates below, to be aware of.
On the other hand, of mercury retro, it’s also the time to edit, and rethink things, redo things that have already happened, as if God gives us breaks to revisit situations for taking a look back, going within, and tweaking. We discover things, realize things, have aha’s. Most importantly, there will be brand new insight and information (that wasn’t available before, or during, the retrograde), when mercury moves forward again.
While in its backward motion, things don’t move forward as much as they are going retro/over the past times, and taking us inward. So we’ll be thinking of people from the past, perhaps hearing from them or running into them. It’s a good time to fix things that didn’t work before, however also keep in mind if you’re having something important worked on, there could be an incompleteness, requiring more work.
Especially be aware that the two days before and two days after the day it stops/stations to retrograde, energies are intense. Our most current retrograde began yesterday, election day, November 5th, when Mercury seemingly stopped/stationed in the sky to begin the backstroke.
Yesterday, Tuesday, we voted for President of the United States. Yeppers, was that affected? News of provisional ballots caused chaos and confusion, and there were complaints of long lines, which the President spoke to. There was a long holdout/stand still after CNN projected President Obama, and the Romney campaign waited for more votes to be counted.
The last time we had an election on the day that mercury was stationing retrograde, we heard about the chaos of hanging chads echoing through the nation. Are we back, to the future? Certainly a different future, and we went back with our previous President to take us into the future.
Mercury will station/stop to go forward again, on November 26, so expect intense energies two days before, and two days after that date as well. In fact, two days after, in the early morning of November 28, we also have the intensity of a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini. Lunar Eclipses put full emotion and spotlight on changes that will be shaped over 6 months, and Gemini traits rule the nervous system, and everything having to do with communication, our relatives, and local neighborhoods. What brand new information will have shown up at this time?
One week from now, and before the Lunar Eclipse, we’ll have a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio, on November 13. Solar eclipses bring fate and destiny change that will build over 3 years. Scorpio is a very intense, powerful energy about endings making way for new beginnings and transformation. It is about big money, and powerful people, revelations about mysteries and secrets and seeing behind the veil of what we called reality, into deeper knowledge. Psychic.
Often things are repeated during a merc retro period, which we’re in now. Funny, yesterday, two different people at different locations thought they had seen me earlier in the day, which wasn’t so, as I hadn’t left my home before then.
Want more examples? About a week ago my computer began acting up, in that it wouldn’t allow me to use any icons on the screen. Everything was well plugged in, but no fear; I had recently made an appointment for my computer guy to come out and do the quarterly tune-up on my computers Monday, yet, even so, some things went haywire the next day after the tune-up, yesterday, Tuesday , so he came back. That is so retrograde.
Of mail and faxes I’d sent over the last weeks to a particular company, through yesterday, none had been receive. Just got word, today, they are received. Also, my email was hacked recently; my computer guy suggested I call my provider, and I learned they changed my passwords because they had discovered it, so I had to redo them all, including on my I-phone. For that reason, updating the daily astrology for November, on my website, was delayed (because the site is through my provider, and password protected) plus the website, itself, has been moving very slowly when I edit, so it likely won’t be complete until later today!
It’s likely in your best interests to wait, regarding buying any items that have moving parts, from cars to computers and phones, etc., and wait to sign contracts and make major decisions. Remember there will be new information revealed during these times, that we will need, including after mercury retrograde turns direct again.
These are God-made times to chill out, relax when appointments are delayed or missed, wrong numbers dialed, learning to let things roll off your back and realize patience is a virtue. Take vacation (be sure to tag your luggage), and refine things in your life that you can, taking time to look more deeply. Get into your music, research spiritual and other things.
Write us your mercury retrograde experiences in the comments section below, and feel free to ask me questions there too.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.