First, many thanks to each of you, worldwide, for reading my columns. And thanks to you, Sedona’s Red Rock News, for publishing them for us. We’ve surpassed our one year anniversary and it’s thanks to all of you.
Thanksgiving week has arrived, and that deserves my honoring its unique time with my ramblings on the subject in the written word. I think back to a column I wrote in South Florida perhaps 15 years ago, that thankfulness is a full time job. In fact, it’s not a job but a privilege.
People want to know how to feel joy. One of the best ways, is to notice how much we have. “Let me count the ways.” A sense of entitlement and taking things for granted can keep joy from being felt, by the omission of cherishing every morsel about life. What isn’t recognized can’t bring you the joy that’s innate in the thing.
In essence, it’s giving thanks for every gift; not only what you might judge as a big gift, believing that those are the only ones worthy of gratefulness. A great way to start the day, even before getting out of bed, could be thinking about how grateful you are for the bed! For the comb and brush, the cleansing gel and towel, the slippers, the toothbrush.
Have we forgotten how glad we are to have even little things that make such a big difference? Let’s consider them gifts. I know you’ll be able to uncover the other gifts you’re actually thankful for, from the food…that you like… being kept fresh for you, to the delay in traffic allowing you to be able to more fully enjoy the view.
Then, on the other hand, the thanks can be gained from the giving. Thank yourself, because it feels so wonderful to give, that it becomes your own gift to yourself. Yep, even more than hearing thanks from the person receiving the gift. Remember you didn’t give to receive, or that isn’t pure giving. The gift is the joy of giving.
You more likely gave to realize the joy in the other receiving, or that you wanted to help them have a better life experience. Have you noticed the joy in giving? Sometimes their expression upon seeing your gift is so fulfilling, sometimes their crying in thanks makes you cry in joy. Sometimes thanks may come a lot later, and may mean even more then.
One more thing: If you can tune in to a different frequency and listen to the inner voice say what’s good about something or someone, love unconditionally and have faith that things happen for a higher purpose, and work out as they ‘should;’ as opposed to listening to the same old negative frequency that loves to tell us what is not good about a person, place or thing (often our inner fears, habits or what someone else said) you will receive the gift that was always there at a higher frequency. Calm.
PS, You are a gift, and don’t need to qualify, or be perfect. Our gift is being able to continue to better ourselves, but You,… however You are wrapped right now, are already a Gift to the world.
Happy Thanks Giving!
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.