If there ever was a time to tweak ourselves and let go of traits that don’t serve us, it is now. Mercury (which rules communication and our daily actions) has completed its recent job, over the last month, of bringing us into clearer understanding of our inner thoughts, feelings and actions, so we should now have new insight on where we want our focus to be.
Our Wednesday, November 28, 2012 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is doing its job, in harmony with Mercury moving us into forward motion and outward action. Full Moons bring full light and full emotion on whatever traits belong to the zodiac sign it becomes Full in, which is Gemini. Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury so they mean the same thing; i.e. communication and daily doings.
At Full Moons, because situations have reached their peak; their fullness, they begin then, to get smaller in size, just like the Moon does, as it now begins to show less light/size night after night until it’s out of sight; when we then have our New Moons which begin to grow in light/size again until it reaches Full Moon. So at Full Moons or after, it is our time to minimize, diminish and let go, with the help of the sign’s traits where it was located at Full.
If you want to shed weight at this Full Moon in Gemini, now is the time to focus on the beliefs you have about it or what people have said in the past that you took on and gave power to, which may have led to its gain, so now shift and release those thoughts and daily habits. It’s time to lessen the burden/weight carried.
If you desire to extinguish a fear or an addiction, start exposing the inner thoughts and words you use, connected with it now. You get the idea. What do you want to let go of? Because the Moon became full in Gemini and Gemini rules all communication, let’s focus on the inner mind, outer words and let those, without benefit, go.
Why is now such an important opportunity for big change in ourselves? Without too many words on other relevant astrological support, I will just say, This is not just a regular Full Moon for monthly releases; it is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses bring new fate and destiny, by eclipsing out the old.
This is also a time to be gentle with how you talk to yourself. Rather than give in to the urge of berating yourself for what isn’t perfect, can we take a deep breath while thinking about how we are learning and growing from this situation, thereby realizing it has been a gift?
Certainly being demeaned doesn’t empower us to change, but can make us cower, feeling less than. Remember, we shall strive to treat others respectfully, in the same way that we desire to be treated. Always honor yourself, no matter what, and treat yourself with the same love you bestow on others.
In these holy times, remember compassion, forgiveness and understanding is enlightened communication; a great habit and The best Gift.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is www.goddesstheway.com where you can find daily astrological guidance and supporting Biblical quotes, as well as client raves. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.