A Mayan elder, a neurosurgeon and new moon revelations6 min read

There have been, and still are, countless conversations, articles, emails, twitter and facebook posts with links; videos, television and radio broadcasts, gatherings to attend, both local and around the world; you name it…humankind has been circulating data about these upcoming days of December for years, and more as the days grow so near now, we can count them on our fingers and toes

 An overload of ideas can be overwhelming to the nervous system, especially since Jupiter went into Gemini on June 11 of this year. Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, expansion and abundance, which went into Gemini, the sign of nonstop information and communication (and as Gemini is the twins, looking at both sides!). That abundance of information can sometimes be confusing, and/ or superficial gossip being passed on without verification. What looks proven, even historical or traditional, other experts can prove as inaccurate. What is true? Gemini also rules the lungs, so breathe. With Jupiter expansion, breathe deeply.

We’re on our own. Here are my thoughts and feelings and what’s behind them: Recently we’ve been hearing about neurosurgeon and author of ‘Proof of Heaven,’ Dr. Eben Alexander, who had a history of believing, based on historical and traditional medical science, that all consciousness stems from the cortex of the brain. Suddenly his own cortex was out of the picture, drenched in pus, and he had a 5% chance of survival, which would be in a nursing home because his brain wouldn’t be functional.

He fully recovered, and relates experiences so real  to him about wonderful things he saw, heard and felt in a different dimension, even a person he’d never seen in life, who actually was family, he discovered later. When asked, he relates that yes, there is a God, which is an ever-present, loving energy, not with a face or body, but a presence, and with no religions, which only seem to separate us here instead of bond us together …all communication was without words…and all of this without his brain cortex functioning. He now meditates because that is like the other dimension, which is always available.

Now the world has a scientist stating that he knows consciousness is actually outside of our brain and body. We, who have studied metaphysics, have known this from proof by other PhDs, scientists, biologists, and engineers preaching to the choir, and our lives embrace and reveal it. So here is this book on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list for 5 weeks, at No.1! This is what I call expansion of consciousness by the many. Formerly closed minds are opening quickly. A shift is happening.

Ac Tah, a Maya elder, indicates the following: his ancestors recorded changes in consciousness by time. They know time is infinity and left us a calendar so, at this time, we could start a new count based on spiritual consciousness. Evolution is about passion, joy, energy and love. Those humans who do not experience it are the ’walking dead’ and should get down to finding true meaning in their lives; (evolve/ascend).


Pyramids are natural technology designed to ground and hold higher transmitted energies sent to earth at different times, to be broadcast to the pineal glands within the brains of us all, opening up perception to a wider range of spiritual frequencies. The change toward harmony and well-balanced humanity is not going to happen by one person with a magical staff in his hand, but is the responsibility of each person, for the shift. Begin now, not on December 22.

He also says that beginning mid-day December 21, through to mid-day December 23, we will receive a download of higher consciousness, reaching its peak half-way through, which would be mid-day December 22, and the peak will last 8 minutes. He suggests we be ready with pencil and paper because though we will receive great ideas for creating a great future on our planet, they will fade as do other thoughts, if not remembered and acted upon at some time.

To conclude: Jupiter is the naturally ruling planet of Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is where we have our New Moon on December 13. New Moons grow new experiences, and this is our last new Moon of this year, 2012.

What we put out, sow and grow at this New Moon Dec. 13 will peak and reap, at the Full Moon December 28, and the next New Moon new growth, will be in January.

Jupiter and Sagittarius both resonate with traits of higher truth, wisdom, reaching beyond boundaries, space, travel in space, higher consciousness of spiritual masters, optimism, joy, generosity, good luck, inclusiveness, laughter, learning, expanding our minds, teaching, etc., so this is what can begin to grow Dec. 13.

Since the beginning of 2012 our many Mercury retrogrades, and lengthy Venus and Mars retrogrades and shadows have taken up most of this entire year! Venus and Mars only retrograde every 2 years;  they needed to be here in 2012 to get us ready for ascension. They all brought us into the past to review and revise ourselves and our lives. At last, with this New Moon, the new you and the future you’ve worked on, is ahead and will grow what you plant.

12/12/12 may be an auspicious dawning of awakening, and the next day, the day of the Sagittarius New Moon’s beginnings, December 13, Uranus goes forward again after being retrograde, bringing a surprising surge of big energy forward, in Aries. Uranus rules shocking awakening truths, revolution for living in high consciousness, brotherhood, freedom, seeing the future 40 years’ ahead, the angelic realm, UFOs and all media communication. Aries is about being reborn, fresh from God, asking us to begin again, like springtime, and discover who we really are.

The best way to make decisions is to follow the heart. Anxiety and fear may mean no – not in the best interests to follow the path of those thoughts; what might they reap? Faith and calm are likely a yes. Stay in the love, the calm, open to intuition received centered in the heart, the positive expectation. Accept the new and your new you.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is www.goddesstheway.com where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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