First Things First then Take a Second5 min read

It’s January, the first month. Yesterday was the first of January; and the first day of the New Year. I’m going to ask you a question, so clear your thoughts. After you read this sentence, close your eyes and notice the first thing that comes to your mind. Now close your eyes.


It doesn’t matter what it was that came to your mind; don’t judge it. Just take a second, and think about what came up. Was it a reminder, a doubtful thought, a loving one?


Was it mish mosh? If it was, prepare to start over; to close your eyes, and listen for clear words. It doesn’t matter if the words don’t connect. Maybe take a second, and a big breath in, then just let the breath go. Huuuuuuuuuuh. Make this your first time that will count. Start.



You may clearly know what your thought meant to you. If it’s not clear, take a second or more than a second, and before you continue reading, pay attention to yourself. What could that thought have meant? If they’re disconnected words, see if you can make the dots connect.


Checking in with ourselves means we are putting ourselves first. How am I feeling? What do I want? The first thought that comes to us may not be the highest insight or guidance. Keep listening. The more you check in with yourself, the more you will notice how deep and connected you are to uncover your best answers and direction.


I prefer that you check in again before reading further, because I want you to get used to connecting with yourself and see what’s within you that would like to give you clarity. Get in the habit of checking in. There’s no limit to how often you can listen to your higher self.


How does your body feel? Close your eyes and notice where energy is desiring your attention. Perhaps there’s a bit of tension somewhere, or tingling. Maybe it wants you to stretch out a part of it. You can breathe into the area or readjust yourself. Pay attention because it’s to your benefit. Noticing that you feel wonderful is worth it too!


If you have a crucial meeting today, are you prepared? Are you grounded in your presentation? Even if it’s going to the dentist to have a consultation, do you know what you have in mind? Have you made notes of questions? Touch base with you first. Take a second or more. Ask yourself, what do I want; what do I need?


Perhaps the answer is, an increase of money to pay the bills and enjoy life more. OK. Have you taken a second to list all of your bills, without forgetting those things that may hide, like your lattes and all of those impulse buys that we don’t think to put in our miscellaneous column? Eating out? Bar bills? Do you spend a lot on pot or booze to make yourself feel happy? Happiness is free and feels intensely better than pills or depending on a substance. Think back to the first cause of your not feeling happy.


Exhuberantly sober you may have much more money to put toward the pursuit of your happiness. A muddled mind keeps many people from seeking, landing or holding a job to make income. Is the weight going up because we haven’t taken a second to see that we‘re actually satisfied with half the amount we got used to eating? We don’t need so many helpings, in fact we have leftovers for later. That saves too!


Once you have a list of your habits to change, focus only on one or two first, and list enjoyable ways to shift them. Or list your outgoing costs, then list your income. When we actually do first things first, like looking at reality, instead of thinking we know, we realize that it’s a hazy cloud in our mind that needs the fog removed before we move forward on a clear path. When we put ourselves first and look at what’s primary, we look to see clearly, and that feels naturally good. Feeling organically good is the first indicator that we immediately attract more good.


Second, what do you believe you might be mindlessly doing or buying that is not something you really care about. Wow, isn’t that a lot of time or money back in your wallet of life? You’d probably appreciate putting those same hours or dollars toward something you mindfully enjoy. If you desire more money, how about offering yourself for hire to do those things you absolutely love; like babysitting, horse whispering, driving, making jewelry, knitting, teaching singing; you get the idea.


What in our lives can we untangle and change for the better? First, make a list of steps then start with the first thing first. Rather than have floating thoughts, pull them down to earth, and bring them to the ground; ground them. Define your goals from the roots and step by step there you are. But always, first things first, like the first step up a ladder. In life, take a second and figure out what is the first thing to consider in prospecting and prospering your mind, body and spirit. First thing every morning, check in with yourself.


Happy First Month.



Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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