Undefeated Big Park wallops Clarkdale1 min read

Big Park Community School girls basketball player Liza Westervelt makes a steal during the team’s game against Clarkdale-Jerome School on Tuesday, Jan. 8, in the Village of Oak Creek. Big Park won 43-8 bringing its record to 9-0 on the season. The Coyotes’ next home game is Tuesday, Jan. 15, against the Mayer Wildcats. Tipoff for the girls will be at 4 p.m., followed by the boys team tipoff at 5 p.m.
Photo by Tom Hood/Larson Newspapers

The Big Park girls basketball team continues its supremacy on the court with a perfect record, a dominating win and preparation for the biggest game of its season.

The Coyotes are now 9-0 after beating cross-valley rival, the Clarkdale-Jerome Mingus Rams 43-8 Tuesday, Jan. 8, on their home court. If it beats Camp Verde on Thursday, Jan. 10, Big Park will win the league with three games still left in the season.

The Coyotes are playing with low numbers, and Head Coach Kirk Westervelt worries about having enough healthy players to grasp the state championship. Big Park only had seven girls playing at Tuesday night’s game, and one of them, Hannah Ringel, was playing with a broken finger. One girl was sick, one was ineligible and another was moved down to the B-team.

For the full story, please see the Friday, Jan. 11, issue of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Staci Gasser

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