Patience and Virtues6 min read

Is patience a virtue? What does it mean to be virtuous? My thesaurus lists these nouns: advantage, asset, benefit, desirable quality, integrity, honesty, morality, uprightness, good worth, high merit.  Some people don’t feel it’s an asset, benefit or desirable quality; they want ‘it’ now and don’t apologize for their frustrated ranting at waiting.


From an early age I learned patience; actually I think it was built in to me. My mother said that if she was coming in the house and had to attend to something immediately she would stand me in the crib with my coat on, and I would just continue standing up; no crying or wailing for attention. My patience was a benefit to her.


As a teen I would ride with my older brother who was doing his business, stopping at various locations to discern who was best to manufacture and distribute his style of belt, which eventually became a world-famous style. He would let me know he honestly couldn’t be certain how long each stop might take, but I loved his company so waiting here and there throughout our drives was fine with me. They mostly turned out to be lengthy so patience was to my advantage.



As I grew up, my patience wasn’t as tolerant. According to the thesaurus, did I really lack integrity, honesty, morality, uprightness, good worth and high merit? As a little girl I got in the habit of telling lie after lie until one day I couldn’t keep track of them so made up my mind No More Lies ever. So I am honest. As a mature adult I have made integrity my middle name.


I believe I am upright, have good worth and high merit, yet before I tamed myself into calm patience again many years ago, I may have lessened others’ perceptions of my high worth based on responses of impatience. Are you aware of your responses and others’ perceptions. Does it matter to you?


That leaves morality. I also believe I am a very moral mature adult. But isn’t morality relative to many? What does patience have to do with being moral?


Well actually, patience can be a virtue of integrity, honesty, uprightness and maybe even morality. Though I would like to phone my concierge from home right away, and say I am available for clients, I am patient and wait until I am thoroughly ready to go to the office if my concierge were to call me. That means I am fully groomed and everything I need to do at home is complete, so that when I call to make myself available to the concierge for possible client requests, I can honestly drive to and be at my office within the short time frame that we guarantee them.


If I weren’t patient; didn’t wait until such time that I am truly available, and phoned my concierge under dishonest pretense, I could be making a potential client wait longer, and identifying myself as not to be trusted. Integrity and honesty are an integral part of my identity so, indeed, the virtue of patience is an asset to my clients, and myself, as well. Is that being moral? The thesaurus defines moral as principles; ethics, so yes.


Let’s say your restaurant or store order got confused, late and was incorrect. Patience in how we speak to the one serving us could be an advantage in our own lower stress level as well as garner a free meal or discount on a store item. Impatient yelling in person may embarrass yourself, or on the phone may bring about disconnections!


On a day-to-day living style, there may be questions we ponder about. There may be a strong desire to do something, but by trusting that we are divinely guided by perfect timing, we can then patiently await our signs, answers and indications of when to do what. Our own impulsive actions may work against us. Here’s a great clue. If you want to impatiently jump at something, it’s probably not the right time! Are you prepared?


Of course, there are some situations outside of that box. If you want to be selected for something, don’t wait to raise your hand when they ask. If your beloved’s train is starting to move and you’re on the platform by their window looking at each other, you’ve been wanting to say I love you for a long time and feel good about it, don’t wait, say it! That got my cousins married. Perhaps you will wait to say it, deciding that upon their return a romantic setting may be better for your declaration. It’s when you feel a quiet serene certainty that timing is most advantageous.


Trust that your answers will come in the right time. Perhaps not in your own effort to control time, but in time that is right. How many pregnant mothers would love to declare when that baby should come out of them. The baby comes when its timing is right. Remember we all have a birth astrology chart and it’s based on the exact moment we are destined to arrive so that the stars are aligned for your path and choices. Even early, late or caesareans are predestined timing.


If you would like to know divine timing in your life, consult a good astrologer. Once you learn your timing, however, you may still have to be patient. Did you know that some opportunities take a long time to come around again, yet I have had clients say, gee, I have to wait two months? In my own chart, I saw timing years in advance, and though I wished it sooner, the occurrence happened on time and I got to see, then, how it was the best timing.


Patience is a virtue to you in the short and long of things. The grocery check-out line may be long, but you may meet a new best friend in taking advantage of the time. While you wait for a promotion, you can utilize the foresight to take classes that will enable you to easily snag the position and excel at it.


If everything were to happen now, well, it would all be over! When will you realize that ti-i-i-ime is on your side. Yes it is.


Love from Rachel Star of Sedona


Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit.  Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance.  She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel).  Each consultation can bring about clarity of mind and emotional healing. Readings include all of the following: angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.

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