For the last few nights, I have seen the big moon shine through my large bedroom window before I fell asleep. It looked and felt lovely. Most nights the black-out curtains are drawn, and though some nights I open them a bit and just keep the sheers drawn, it’s only been the last several evenings that I’ve lain in my big comfy bed and noticed the big moon through the sheers. A couple of evenings ago, it shone a stream of moonlight onto my bed and over my arms.
I must say it felt mystical. Maybe you wouldn’t consider that special; perhaps you sit under the moon’s light often as the only light. Isn’t there generally also a house light, street light, building or vehicle lights?
Last night’s moonlight seemed like the stuff dreams are made of, and I found myself pondering about the moon being the only light in the room. Not a lamp, nightlight, candle, TV or hall light. Only the light of the moon. It was an organic feeling of luxury looking through the sheers at the big moon, and feasting my eyes on the light it cast over the bed and my arms. The only light, God’s natural night light.
Moon beckoned me out of bed to the patio where I stood able to be with her, no thing between us. And because I’m high up in the mountains, in night-sky-loving Sedona, with far fewer street lights than most towns, the night was, as usual, pitch black with stars and the milk way in close-appearing 3D.
As someone long fascinated by the heavenly bodies that shine upon us from above; someone who for decades has realized and studied the effects they have on us, I knew she was in Gemini. In fact, she was cozied up to Jupiter in Gemini at about the same degree.
Jupiter brings about abundant blessed feelings of joy, optimism, gratefulness, brings expansion to whatever it touches, and opens our minds wider. The moon reflects feelings for us to feel, and Gemini is about the thoughts we think, words we say (in fact, represents all communication) and our daily doings, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors and hoods, buying, selling, the body parts that rule communication, and whatever our body has two of (i.e. Gemini twins).
Though a nearly constant joy fills me daily, I have to tell you that an even greater comforting feeling of all being right with my world, and always would be, had taken over my mind and heart. What could really come close to this feeling of a seemingly enlarged heart that had no boundary?
I would relish feeling this feather-light, huge heart of experiencing and expecting goodness forever. I thought I was happy and positive equivalent to a very high step on a ladder, and I now feel spiritually lifted so much higher all-of-a-sudden, by a higher power than my own.
This exalted feeling was born under this year’s first new moon of 2013, in the sign of Capricorn. Perhaps it will keep growing as new moons do, which we can tell by a moon’s light and shape growing to its fullest, which will occur at this year’s Leo full moon coming Jan. 26. Leo traits rule the heart and love in a celebrated and dramatic way. And growing from the new moon in Capricorn could mean it is my new normal, the structure of my being, i.e. in my bones and flesh, which are Capricorn traits. What are you growing and birthing as your new normal? Are you inspired, or tired?
The Moon and Jupiter meet up once every month. If it occurs while we sleep, maybe we’ll have sweet dreams and wake up counting our blessings. If they connect in the sky during the waking hours, we may feel expansively happy for a reason that shows up, or for no apparent reason.
Not that this meeting of two heavenly bodies is the only timing for naturally feeling so much more joyous, but it could be God’s built-in way of assuring us once a month, within our hearts that ‘all is well’ and remind us this is what it feels like to think that way.
You know I believe everything actually is a gift, lesson for growth or blessing, sometimes in disguise. Even passing on, ‘over the rainbow’ frees us from dense bodies to feel expanded joy, peace and more; and that the cycle of life, and life-after-life continues to keep us together with loved ones. We are all energy, which can’t be killed but takes various forms.
Sometimes dis-eases come about to attempt to get us to work on living in inner ease, returning to balance and harmony within our energetic selves and with others we have challenges with. Feeling what Jupiter and the Moon together can have us feel, is likely not even the tip of the iceberg within our spirit and soul’s expansive power.
If you want to check out Jupiter and Moon sky meetings for yourself, the next time these two meet up will be Monday, February 18th at 4:54 am Sedona time, which is currently Mountain time. They meet in Gemini monthly through June, then switch to meeting monthly in Cancer for the rest of the year, when our feeling blessed and experiencing expansion turns to family and home themes for a year. Google Cancer for more insight.
Do we need a reason to be happy? Heck no!!! We can choose this heavenly mindset with our free will. Do you require a reason to smile? Again, a choice. I notice so many people around me speak with a gentle or broad smile on their face and I love and appreciate seeing that. It’s like looking at beauty.
That reminds me to check in with myself. Am I listening and speaking while giving the gift of a pleasant demeanor through my countenance? I may be feeling happy and saying wonderful things to or about another, but if my face doesn’t reflect it, the words may have less effect. No matter how you look at it, a kind look on the face is a soothing and healing balm to the soul. The ‘man in the moon’ whose lit-up face shone on me was like a beautiful smile, and brought about a glow in my thoughts and feelings.
Happy Moon Shine! PS, You can learn where the Moon is shining every day and night, on the astrology page of my complimentary website. When it’s in the same sign as your Sun sign, those are generally gold ‘star’ days for you!
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples counseling is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.