U.S. Forest Service mulls mountain bike restrictions1 min read

The U.S. Forest Service is considering a Temporary Forest Order that could restrict mountain bikes to forest system-approved trails and roads. If implemented, the restriction would apply to the most sensitive lands around Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek.

“Our area has very sensitive soils and archaeology,” Red Rock Ranger District Ranger Heather Provencio said. “It doesn’t take much to cause damage. Unauthorized trail construction, and ‘riding in’ unofficial tracks has damaged the forest in areas near Oak Creek, which has special water quality standards to maintain.”

The district has over 170 miles of official trail open to mountain biking, hiking and equestrian use in the Sedona area. These trails are distinguished from “user created” routes by their official signs and markings.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Jan. 30, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Jeff Bear

Jeff Bear began his journalism career in 2003 as a graphic designer and sports reporter at the Weekly Register Call in Central City, Colorado. In 2007 he began working at the Canyon Courier in Evergreen, Colorado, as a graphic designer, but soon transferred into the editorial department where he worked as a copy editor and sport reporter under Editor Doug Bell. After a stint as a graphic designer at American Classifieds in 2009-10, Bear began working in 2011 as a copy editor at the Arizona Daily Sun, in Flagstaff. While at the Daily Sun, Bear was tapped by the late Randy Wilson to report on local sports including Northern Arizona University and Olympic medalists training in Flagstaff for the 2012 Olympics. In 2013 Bear began working at the Red Rock News in Sedona, Arizona, where he was an assistant editor and sports editor. Bear has two daughters, Angela and Jessica, with his wife Nina. He is a singer and guitarist, an avid cyclist and hiker, and enjoys camping with family and friends.

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