Usually cleaning is my least favorite thing to do. Are you like me? I know some people are obsessive about cleaning and organizing. They may have Virgo prominent in their chart, even if not sun sign Virgo. I grew up with a live-in housekeeper. We weren’t rich, but both my parents worked full time, and after school our housekeeper doubled as our nanny. Mom tried to teach me all of that woman cleaning stuff but I wanted little to do with it. Family dishwasher was my job and that branded a burn which left a bitter taste about cleaning dishes, but further down I’ll let you in on an amazing cleaning secret.
After high school graduation things changed only slightly in that I went from having a housekeeper to living in hotels, and hotels have housekeepers! Moving to NYC to further my education, I lived in a hotel affiliated with my school. After graduation, I relocated to North Carolina because I was accepted into Duke University’s famous Rice Diet, and lived in a hotel room covered by the insurance.
Eventually I returned to NYC and had a job on prestigious Madison Avenue. Guess where I lived. In a hotel, on the top floor for women only. And later, the man that I married loved to clean our home. He was a chef so he also did the cooking! How did I get so lucky?
It was after the marriage that I was mostly challenged again with cleaning, as my help was gone. I’ve discovered a secret, however. No, I’m not giving you a homemaking tip; and you might never guess…The Moon helps me! Whenever she is in an earth sign, especially Virgo, I feel like a cleanaholic and I love it.
Capricorn makes me feel responsible and welcome hard work. Taurus gives me the earthy feeling to get down in the dirt for the sake of making things beautiful. And Virgo is the prize; the ultimate sign for desiring to clean because its traits are precisely about labor, cleaning up and organizing.
If I find myself like the energizer bunny and cleaning non-stop I know something heavenly must be in an earth sign. The only other signs that may help are Gemini (liking to be very busy, juggling several things at once, but I might prefer to be communicating or having fun with friends so it’s not as sure a thing), or perhaps Aries, which gives us lots of fast energy.
Otherwise, well, there may be a dish in the sink, an unfolded throw on the sofa, shoes on the floor and paperwork on the table. But the extra energy or motivation just isn’t there on some days. Once in a while I’ve been tempted to hire a housekeeper for a thorough cleaning, but it’s rare because I ultimately get motivated to save the money and do it all myself. When the Moon’s in Virgo, especially, that can be my deepest cleaning and reorganizing gala; you name it and I enhance it. By the way, pushing past the sting of dishwashing always makes me the happiest!
The moral of the story is that there are times you will want nothing more than to thoroughly clean and organize your home. Watch not only when Moon is in Virgo or the other signs mentioned, but keep in mind that when a heavenly body other than the Moon (which spends time in every sign once a month, for 2 ½ days each) …is in Virgo, like the Sun (a month; late August and first three weeks in September) we are all energized to do a lot of work.
Mercury (our mindset and daily doings) will be in Virgo two weeks per year, Venus (what we desire, and beauty) is in Virgo about one month per year, and Mars (our energy and motivation) six weeks every year.
Jupiter will be in Virgo once every twelve years for a year, Saturn once every 29 years for 2 ½ years and longer for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; the slowest moving planets.
Keeping with the moral of the story: Don’t necessarily schedule deep cleaning for your days off work. Schedule the work when the Moon is in Virgo (or other signs suggested above). It will get done 10 times faster and you won’t hate or resent it. Cleaning only feels like drudgery if you’re doing it on a day God made for dancing!
You can find Virgo days on my complimentary website Click my astrology page and read what sign the Moon is in every day, including what that means and how to use it, then below you can read what signs all the planets are in, and what that means, as well.
I make this available to help you plan your days most effectively. Some days are made for career, or shopping to get top quality at lowest cost, some for money, and some days are made just for love, etc. Wouldn’t you like to know how best to take advantage of the days of your life?
Ecclesiastes 3:1: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and horoscopes are available). Classes and individual or couples coaching is also available, as well as physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.