Comfortable5 min read

It’s interesting when you don’t fly by words at the speed of light. Take a moment and look a bit deeper into a word. The intrinsic meaning is explained and we can gain more insight to its essential and often multi-layered meaning. Take the word ‘comfortable.’ It can mean comfort is able and available. So when we’re uncomfortable, perhaps we can remember that comfort is able, available and can be had. Let’s look at a situation where one might be uncomfortable. How? Well, perhaps you’re uncomfortable in a pair of high heels. Or maybe in all your high heels. You can suffer for fashion or you can choose to wear different, yet still amazing shoes, right? Maybe you’re uncomfortable with a discussion. You can sit and squirm, you can lead the talk into a different topic, or you can excuse yourself and walk away. Feeling uncomfortable may also be just the nudge to sit, learn and grow through it, like a pearl created by grains irritating it. Inner beauty and inner comfort come from allowing ourselves to stretch. Reach for real comfort. Options always abound. Don’t just get comfortable with being uncomfortable when comfort is able and available. Let’s look at a different word. Mistake. Think of being on the set of a movie scene. It’s often recommended to do another take. That one missed what we’re going for. Ready? Take two. Let mistakes roll off your shoulder. Don’t be hard on yourself or others. Who doesn’t learn by mistakes? The word sin is an archery term meaning you missed the bullseye; missed the mark, so re-shoot; repent. A sin is merely a mistake. Sometimes it seems like words are hexagram puzzles that make a game out of discovering fundamental explanations. Even the word fundamental. Fun by mental. Mental fun is how we basically can view many things. Comedians do it all the time with serious subjects and we pay them to help us lighten up. How about the word relief. Getting relief is getting re life. Insight comes from seeing things less about the outer and more about sight revealed within our spirit, where God speaks. We all have the answers inside ourselves. Just take some quiet time to listen. We get comfortable skimming the surface and reacting; acting over and over again in ways that may be shallow and not well thought out. We are less often likely to read between the lines, or letters, or look at the bigger picture. Being comfortable can be a stuck zone remember. Sometimes it takes getting startled or shocked to define what has real value for us. We can be healthy and active, wealthy and comfortable yet sleeping to the value of caring deeply for one another. Not just family and friends but the sick, homeless and hungry. I hear stories of people staying in their ruts, which are disrespectful to themselves because they don’t believe they have help from a higher power, faith that things can be better, or believe they are better than their circumstances. Those left unattended can impact the many. We may have made mistakes, but be easy on yourself and others; use fundamental thinking. Make it delightful, full of the light, to use your mental capacities. Uncomfortable situations don’t demand we mirror negativity. Bliss does not stoop low for the sake of circumstance. The yogi does not leave high conscious state for labeling something bad versus good. Observe without becoming part of. Live in the eye of any storm where peace and calm always reside, as experiences whirl around. Take time to listen to your insight. You might understand what lies under the stands that you’ve taken before, and understand how you can take a new stand by forming a different underlying platform to build on. It may be time for take two. Helping others gives us a feeling of inner comfort. Empower and appreciate. The more we do as a world, the less the world will need to create opportunities for helping others. Life is wonderful, so keep your perceptions full of wonder and awe. Pose it to live positively. It’s all in how you choose to read what’s in front of you. Read the bigger picture. Read between the lines. Read between the letters. Read yourself happy stories. Re set your life for relief. Focus on the light, though dark will show up, somewhere in the world, like yin and yang. When you believe something’s impossible, remember the word actually says, I’m possible. Make that your new mental comfort zone. Share some of your magic words with us all, by leaving a comment at the end of this article. Love from Rachel Star of Sedona Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email Follow her on facebook and twitter as Rachelspirit. Her free website is where you can find daily astrological guidance. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or Skype (sedonarachel). Each consultation includes positive and empowering angelic channeling, tarot, cards of destiny, numerology, past life insight and astrology (with or without time and location of birth; and your personal horoscope charts are available too). Local rates are discounted. Classes, and individual or couples coaching are also available, at discounted rates for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly, plus feel physical and emotional immediate relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils. Learn more about Young Living at and request your one-on-one complimentary Young Living experience.

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