Do-It-Yourself3 min read

As an artist, I often take on every creative project I can get my hands on. I’ve frequently mentioned how this can be a multitasking (as well as a marketing) nightmare for me. Thanks to this brilliant aspect of overburdening myself, I am fortunately able to get quite a few things accomplished. This includes self-publishing my writing, photography and art as well as the growing collections of some of my grandiose projects that will forever be labeled as “works in progress.” So to help you people burn the candle at both ends, I created a self-publishing and marketing workshop. So let me ask you – Do you love to write? Do you want to publish your own novel, art or photography book? Do you want to learn how to better market yourself and your artwork? You can learn the ins and outs of self-publishing on May 18 and 19, 2013 at Sedona Arts Center, where I’ll be offering up tasty little bits of information in my two-day intensive workshop. Agreed – this particular blog is a little self-serving. But we’re artists! We need to be self-serving in order to serve others our creative talents. What comes around goes around? I’ve heard time and time again from artists, writers and photographers that they wish they could be published. For some the projects they have in mind are part of their souls, for others – just a creative coffee table book they always wanted to come to fruition. Whether you’ve been writing for years or just weeks – self-publishing is easier than ever in today’s do-it-yourself world. The first thing you need to do in every situation is to let go of fear. Without fear, your possibilities are endless. In my two-day workshop, I cover an overview of the publishing industry, publishing choices, print on demand, e-books and more. I show you all you need to know about self-publishing: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’ll show you how to use Internet sources, i.e.,, and others to print your publication for little to no money down. You will learn how to format e-Books and get them sold at Amazon, the iBookstore,, and other online book retailers. I also will teach you how to effectively market your self-published book or art and how to make the best use of social networks to market yourself. This intensive two-day workshop will cover the publishing industry (including print on demand) on day one and then marketing, social media and promoting your work on day two. So if you’re available on May 18-19, in Sedona – join me for my workshop. It’s always a great time, with interesting people and stories. Sign up at Thanks for reading and stay-tuned next week as we delve into the world of art across the globe as we explore what’s trending in art. Remember: grow; learn; conserve; preserve; create; question; educate; change; and free your mind. About: Kelli Klymenko is an artist, teacher, marketing director and free thinker experiencing life in one of the most inspiring and picturesque places on earth with his fabulous wife and children.

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