Have you ever had a Tarot Reading? Of course each Reader and spiritual Reading will be different, but overall many people highly value the accurate personal insights and positive guidance, and some people fear a Reading, due to religious belief. I’m not here to judge, though others may judge tarot, however, oddly enough there is a card in the deck named Judgment.
Even Bible stories exalt prophets, and as tarot is also astrological, to read Biblical and other notable quotes about God’s planets having speech and knowledge (astrology), that there will be signs in the sun, moon and the stars, and the starry hosts have characteristics, visit my website. See below.
It has also been used as divination, itself, in the form of Bibliomancy, the casual choosing of a verse by randomly opening the Bible to be heeded as God-given advice upon a situation. We can also randomly pick one card from the Tarot (Torah – see the High Priestess card’s named book on her lap) as divine guidance as well.
I consistently prefer to use the deck of 78 cards called Universal Rider-Waite, conceived by Stuart R. Kaplan. There is a card welcoming us to the deck with a statement taken from The Encyclopedia of Tarot, Volume I, also by Stuart R. Kaplan, “What we see in the symbology of tarot derives in large measure from our own intuition and, once revealed, reflects back upon each of us to further enrich our lives.”
We don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. Faith in a higher intelligent loving source energy, which I call God, knows no boundaries, and intuition is also a spiritual gift for everyone. In fact I suggest to my clients that they practice using their intuition because it is their clear and personal connection with divine spirit, which has their best interests at heart.
The Judgment card clearly depicts an angel over people, raising them from the dark place they have been, meaning real spiritual judgment is in the hands of the higher enlightened, which only unconditionally, nonjudgmentally loves all, and when we discontinue standing firm in our limiting negative judgments about people and events, we will be raised out of our darkness and resultant dark experiences, into spiritual bliss in our own inner and outer lives.
Religion banned use of the tarot a long time ago because of misguided beliefs about certain cards such as The Tower and Death. When I teach tarot classes I explain how spiritual guidance is only positive, and death is not ours to predict. In fact the death card means personal transformation, rebirthing, being born again, shedding old outworn ways and habits, like exfoliating dead skin cells to show the healthy layer of skin beneath, A snake shedding its skin isn’t dying, it has a new skin ready to be worn.
It may show up in a Reading as what a person fears, i.e. death, or a person ready to step into the next life, so we can explain how there is no death since we are made of energy and energy can’t be killed. We just transform into our next step; we are eternal and so is our connection with loved ones.
Just ask a medium who channels the ‘other side.’ I see and hear communication for clients and myself with my own eyes and ears.
The picture on the death card depicts a sun rising from the horizon, bringing the next light of day. Let go of the old, to make room for the new.
The Hermit card shows spirit watching over us, lighting our path with the light of the star of David in a lantern, enlightening our passageway for us to see ahead, helping us make wise choices for our way.
The Magician card tells us we have the magic of spirit as our God-given tools, showing a person in a white (spiritual energy) gown, covered with a robe the color of (physical) life- giving blood, beautiful red.
One hand holds a baton pointing above, while the other hand points down with the pointer finger toward the ground, meaning as above, so below; what thoughts we send to spirit occurs on earth in our physical experience. We have been given the tools (shown on the magician’s table) to create our occurrences by our negative, or positive higher thinking.
The Tower card may show people falling from the windows of a tower that was just hit by lightening but the tower sits on a large sturdy rock, revealing that even when things happen suddenly or shockingly surprisingly we are all still on firm ground, as God always has us in hand. One interpretation may literally mean changing residence or as Carl Jung interpreted this tarot card, when you build your tall tower to worship the physical material world, without the balance of equal spiritual tribute, your tower will be struck and come tumbling down. In other words, keep your physical life balanced with the values of living with spiritual principals.
The Fool card is the God card. Some decks put it as the first card and some as the last card because life begins and ends with God. Be willing to be a fool for what you faithfully feel is inspired within. You won’t fall off a cliff, not watching the physical ground under you, by always looking upward to God, because with faith in spiritual protection, something or someone will intervene in some way at the right time for whatever you need to know to stay safe with sure footing. Always look up, knowing you are divinely guided.
Those are just a few of the tarot’s 78 picture cards, and what’s miraculous is that though you or I are mixing and shuffling the cards, it is actually our higher connection with spirit that is putting them in an order, knowing how each particular Reader will interpret them for the person who has come for spiritual insight and counsel. Then from that order they have been put into, they lay out in a way which tells your story.
I can see what spirit wants me to discuss with you. It may be about money, a job, career or business, romance, that there will be a move; really any subject or subjects imaginable, and we can hone down who, where, how, when and more, with the understanding that not only is this already in the person’s subconscious, but perhaps even already reached their intuition and inner or outer awareness.
I start by reading the next six to eight (6-8) months, though we can go further. Keep in mind that things are not always set in stone, you might be able to change outcomes if you wish, and that the reins of free-will are always held by you.
The cards all have many meanings, and beyond the original layout we can pull more cards on any question for additional clarity and understanding. Each Reading is all about just you and your life, and my next guest’s Reading will only be talking about and to them.
The only thing to fear is fear itself. God is good.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Reach interfaith minister Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. Follow her on twitter as Rachelspirit and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona, to receive spiritual and astrological insights. Her free website is www.bestpsychicsedona.com where you can find daily astrological guidance for the current month and much more. She is available for a positive, empowering Reading in Sedona, or by phone or Skype. Each consultation includes non-judgmental, positive and empowering Angelic Channeling, Tarot, Cards of Destiny, Numerology, Past Life insight and Astrology (with or without time and location of birth). Your personal horoscope charts are available too. Local rates are discounted. Classes, and individual or couples coaching are available at discounted rates for monthly, bi-weekly or weekly sessions in person or by phone. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils. Learn more about Young Living at www.ylwebsite.com/rachelstarofsedona and request your one-on-one complimentary Young Living experience.