The 9th Annual Sedona Plein Air Festival was a huge success! Once again, 30 artists from across the country came to Sedona to create their brilliant interpretations of the richness of Sedona. I was lucky enough as co-chair of the event to give myself the role of photographer and social media “buzz” person. This gave me the opportunity to experience every single aspect of the festival on the go while watching the artists create from start to finish their brilliant masterpieces. It was a truly wonderful experience!
I have to say, this was a most spectacular year for the Festival. We had a Native American Legacy Series in partnership with the newly formed Sedona Culture Collaborative, a private pit-firing at Ed Wade’s home and a special talk with Tony Abeyta among many other happenings. The artists this year brought new life and excitement to each event and paint-out and it was truly a memorable experience!
Here were this year’s big winners:
Best of Show
Tracey Frugoli, “Amongst the Junk”
Judge, Jill Carver
Artists’ Choice
Katie Dowling, for body of work
Judges, Festival Artists
Collector’s Choice
Carl Ortman, “The Dream Team”
Judges, Public Attendees
2014 Poster Award
Carl Ortman, “The Dream Team”
Judges, Sedona Arts Center Staff
Merit Awards
Joshua Been, “Moonset Over Sedona”
Dave Santillanes, “Day Break Over Dry Creek”
Bill Cramer, “Western Spectacle”
Lori Putnam, “Jerome Gold”
Larry Moore, “Red, Blue, Yellow”
Judge, Jill Carver
Best Main St. Paint Out
Tracey Frugoli, “Sedona Prayer Tree”
Larry Moore, “Old Friends”
Judges, Carl Judson of Guerilla Painter
Scott Gellatley of Gamblin Oils
Best Historic Quick-Paint
Carl Ortman, “Cowboy Up”
Susiehyer, “La Sombre”
Judge, Carl Judson of Guerilla Painter
Best Native American Legacy
Williamson Tapia,
“Morning at Montezuma’s Well”
Judge, Tony Abeyta
Native American Legacy Merit Awards
Shonto Begay, “Rim Elder”
Shanna Kunz, “Path to Montezuma’s Castle”
Bruce Gomez, “The Sail”
Judge, Tony Abeyta
If you would like to see more, please check out the Facebook page I created for the Festival: where you can check out all my photos from the event!
I would like to thank all our wonderful staff, sponsors and volunteers for such a memorable and rewarding experience. Thanks to all your hard work and dedication, this was one of the most successful and exciting Plein Air Festivals yet!
Remember: grow; learn; conserve; preserve; create; question; educate; change; and free your mind.
About: Kelli Klymenko is an artist, teacher, marketing director and free thinker experiencing life in one of the most inspiring and picturesque places on earth with his fabulous wife and children.