Elks, Masons brighten up 14 Christmases1 min read

Seven-year-old West Sedona School student A.J. Williamson was throwing brand new sneakers, pants and a jacket into a shopping cart as fast as Sedona Elks Lodge volunteer Ruth Sanchez-Way could help him Saturday morning, Dec. 14.

“He’s done very well for himself,” she said.

Thanks to the Sedona Elks and matching donations from the Central Arizona Masonic Lodge, Williamson and 13 other needy Sedona children were able to walk out of the Cottonwood department store with those clothes and other Christmas wishes at the eighth annual Clothe-a-Child event, held from 8 a.m. to noon.

For the full story, see the Wednesday, Dec. 18, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

George Werner

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