Loren escapes cult & challenges spirituality1 min read

Christopher Loren takes a break from working on his website while at a coffee shop in West Sedona on Wednesday, Jan. 8. Loren came to Sedona 16 years ago as part of a spiritual journey that now has him asking questions about spirituality’s impact on humanity.
Corwin Gibson/Larson Newspapers

Like many who have made Sedona their home, Christopher Loren came to Sedona in search of spiritual answers, but after 16 years, he’s changing all the questions.

Loren grew up in a religious household and went on a journey over the course of his life, moving from one religion or spiritual doctrine to the next — even at one point finding himself in a cult — before beginning to question the role of spirituality in his life.

“I started a spiritual journey 30 years ago. I was about 19, I became a Christian, and in a five-year period I did missionary work in Haiti, I had a local cable Christian show in California where I preached the gospel, I was involved with a missionary organization up in Oregon, I was part of a group in Ohio which ended up being a cult and I escaped them on foot,” he said, listing off his experiences. “So it was a five-year journey through the Christian universe, so to speak, and I began asking better questions.”

For the full story, see the Friday, Jan. 10, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Larson Newspapers

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