It was about 6 am and the home phone rang. Who would call at that hour? Was it family with timely news? No baby was in anyone’s belly so… Hello? I said from bed, and didn’t sound asleep or sleepy; that was good.
It was a male with a firm and fully awake speaking voice. Is this Rachel? Was this a solicitation call at this hour? Yes?….. Rachel, and he went on to apologize if he woke me up (maybe I did not sound awake after all). As he continued, he explained that he was calling desiring an appointment for a Reading by skype for he and his wife.
I asked where he was calling from, so as to be ready to point out that if he was on the east coast, it was 2 hours earlier here. Six a.m., or even 8 a.m. is earlier than the proper etiquette I was raised to follow: no phone calls earlier than 9 am wherever the person lived, and no later than 8:30 pm unless otherwise agreed upon. He replied, and I realized he was calling from clear across the world. I mentioned what time it was and let the time talk go.
I got out of bed and walked to the computer and desk in another room to look at my appointment book. We discerned the time difference between us. It was late evening where he was, but asked if 2 hours from then was possible. Still would only be 8 am by me, so oooh, noop; those who know me, know I choose to sleep through 8 am, with little exception. We set for a better time for me, he agreed, and I got their information for skype, emails and their dates of birth.
I use birth dates as an invaluable tool to know people well without knowing them, from their past life emotional influences, to how they think, what they desire, how and who they love, what they are passionate about and motivates them to action, as well as career and life lessons, etc., etc. I can also know what is going on in their life, and what changes may be coming up. I prepare this before every Reading.
Back to bed for now, though. I would call my concierge later to let her know about my appointment, but even she wouldn’t be working for several more hours yet. Did I mention this was Sunday? The day people generally sleep even later than work week days?
Ah the bed, pillow and blankets. Yummy heaven, but wouldn’t the agreed time be too early for him? Phone rings again. I didn’t need to be intuitive to know who was calling. Could we reset the time for later than we’d agreed, he asked. We worked it out.
Early evening came time to do my consultation with the young husband and wife from overseas. I turned on the computer and skype, adjusted the camera lens perched atop the screen, and was ready.
I saw this lovely youthful man and wife on screen; and talked with them one at a time for their personal questions and situations. I will change the names to protect the innocent. All Readings are confidential; no names divulged or any way of connecting situations with people.
I also say innocent because they were each individually very wide open people, with beautiful hearts that had been hurt. And innocent, I say again, because they have not retaliated from suffered injustices; simply were asking how to find joy and peace. So to protect the innocent, I will call them Adam and Eve.
You may find yourself or loved ones in similar emotional situations, beautiful hearted people who were hurt. Some retaliate and can harden the heart and close the gates, while others suffer emotionally without hurting others, simply desiring to find the path to inner peace and a healed heart.
What joy it brought me that I was gifted with being chosen to assist in lifting their hearts and show them the truth that set them free. Eve, a young, brilliant and talented person, suffered ongoing sadness without knowing why, experiencing low energy of body and spirit, not ruling out letting herself expire.
Divine Spirit (I know as God) guided me to see the cause for emotional feeling of emptiness that was weakening her over years. Looking deeper into it, we were able to see more clearly the very, very old patterns that could actually be identified as now balanced, and available to choose to end, so as not to keep ‘payback’ in motion when it didn’t have to go on.
If I ‘hit’ you without intention to do so, and it hurt, and you ‘hit’ me back so I could feel how that felt, we can stop there. We both felt it, got it, and can move away from it. Or we can keep hitting each other for no other reason than being unwilling to let the hurt go. Eve can use the insights into her past as a spring board, breathing freer with expanded love, including self love. She saw what was behind it all, and chose not to let those deeply cloaked thoughts and feelings zap her energy as they had. Karma complete.
After years of desiring to enter the field she was passionate about, even her extensive education hadn’t been able to break through to move it into actuality. Now, with the insightful tools God gave me to see, we had clarity that not only was it an occupation she held in former life, but by now allowing her energy to lift up and out of the pits, the door would re-open.
Adam had been mistreated; slandered by many over and over, eventually even strangers. It affected much of his entire (young) life and he felt his self-respect had been nearly completely torn away. Feeling poisoned with anger, revengeful thoughts became noticeable and he did not want to act on them.
We unveiled truth that no one can rip self-esteem from us, unless we choose to believe it. God always sees us as perfect, as we grow and evolve, always roots for us to love and lift ourselves higher, and loves us all unconditionally, so even loves those who have to learn lessons for things they do.
By seeing through God’s eyes, Adam, too, could forgive and know the others simply will learn at some point in the eternal future. The wisdom gained allows his heart to evolve now and the results can only be wonderful.
He understands now that his choices not to stoop to similar or worse behaviors, are a huge reason to acknowledge how dignified he actually was and is. By knowing how it feels to be in the situation he experienced, he can have empathy and help others, showing by example how to step out of believing in being victim, and take the reins to always know God is the win, and miraculous. He took back his personal spiritual power, no longer thinking others had control, knowing that God the good is in control. His long-held expectation of the same treatment would dissipate and so would not participate in drawing it to him, as a thought magnet, any longer. Faith in God is a small seed but once planted, moves mountains.
By changing his thoughts and feelings, thereby allowing the stagnant energy to rise up, all things would begin to align with his higher knowing of his true essential God-given value. They were given an assignment to start their days telling each other what they are grateful for. Counting blessings allows us to see how much we have been given, thereby sets the expectation of blessings.
Protect the innocent you, and the innocence of others.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
Upcoming classes or speaking engagements are listed on Rachel’s website Reach Rachel Star of Sedona at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or email LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona. You can find daily astrological guidance for the current month, Bible quotes and more on her website. She is available for a Reading in Sedona, or by phone or Skype. Each accurate consultation is spiritually insightful with guiding, healing inspiration via positive and empowering Tarot, Cards of Destiny, Astrology, Past Life insight and Numbers. Local rates are discounted. Individual or couples life coaching sessions are available at discounted rates in person or by phone. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.