Having learned the ancient and little-known system to read the regular deck of 52 cards as it tells our destiny 100% accurately, I knew that in some way there was going to be new love in my life over the year that would begin on my birthday, February 7.
In early March, Richard Gere asked if the seat next to me at the Sedona Performing Arts Center, was taken. At first glance I heard myself say, Oh my God, this is Richard Gere! And he’s going to sit next to me for the next few hours!
Was it my good karma that magneted him to me? We chatted and belly laughed through those few hours, during being entertained, and afterward, he waited for me as I took pictures of those on stage for my Sedona New Age Show. Oh my God, was he really waiting for Me? I could hardly believe it, but he was. I told him I was going to try to get an interview, to which he responded ‘Good Luck with that,’ then turned around and walked away.
It hadn’t occurred to me that that might have hurt his feelings, RG being second fiddle for a woman’s attention. Instead, immediately I realized I had missed what could have been an opportunity to be invited for coffee and getting acquainted better. He was already long separated from his wife, and available. I hadn’t even given him my business card. That’s what I usually did. I let opportunities pass by. I got in my own way. Into the wind he was swept away from me. I sat in my car in the parking lot and had to realize everything happens as it should. Had to accept the truth.
I met the man I am in a relationship with now, 2 ½ months later. He looks like a younger version of Richard Gere, even more handsome, sexy, and maybe is the love of my life. Looks like a handsome leading man in movies. Lives here, sings beautifully which I love, is a great dancer, which I love, is brilliant, keeps me in stitches laughing, and is an astrologer like me, so we speak the same language.
Now I know why I was not supposed to know Richard Gere better. In fact, as I am writing, my boyfriend texted me and asked me to come sit outside with him. My first thought was to reply, ‘after I write my column; but my immediate second thought was, don’t miss the chance be close to Him.Now. I learned not to miss opportunities like I’d had with Richard Gere. I am so drawn to this man in my life, and he is so amazing for my life, I cherish every moment with him.
Before I went to my precious nephew’s wedding in Florida, this past May, I was already exhausted. I had more exciting projects on my plate than Ever, and each carried a great deal of effort and time. I was back and forth in emails, setting up an interview with Gregg Braden and the Heart Math Institute’s CEO, Dr. Deborah Rozman, also arranging to gift others the use of my second ticket through the long weekend of thrilling events.
I was getting ready for my trip to see family in Florida, buying a zillion necessities, clothes and getting alterations. I was asked to call-backs for a reality show, and also prepping and shooting my own Sedona New Age Show. Doing my usual job of Readings, in negotiations with Diamond Resorts to be a Gift for their guests in Sedona, arranging for business insurance for my office and automobile, and handling so very much more.
I set up reservations for about two weeks of 9 different hotel rooms and staying elsewhere, from Phoenix and throughout various cities in Florida, arranging times to visit different people there, get rental cars, take trams, shuttles, be driven, plus get gifts for the wedding, family and friends, and on. I was thoroughly exhausted upon arrival in Florida. Let alone the inner stress of flying round trip. And the journey itself awaiting me.
After some challenging scenarios on the trip (and heart opening experiences with loved ones, as well), when I returned to Sedona, I knew I needed rest. I didn’t know how much rest. After about 10 days not working so that I could chill out, I decided to visit the location where I lease my office, touching base with some people I knew, and that is where I met who is now the man in my heart.
It wasn’t until another 20 days out of the office that I felt restored. During that time he and I started to get to know each other. Today I could write a love story. Maybe this is it. The preface of the book. Check back in a few weeks and I’ll update where my heart is; Chapter One.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
View Rachel’s website www.goddesstheway.comwhere you can also find her video classes for purchase and more. Reach Rachel at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com. LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Each accurate positive, empowering, healing Reading consultation is insightful with guiding spiritual inspiration via loving Tarot, Cards of Destiny, Astrology, Past Life insight and Numbers. Phone, Skype and local resident rates are discounted. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.