The Ken Selle era at Sedona Red Rock High School will begin with a Surprise — and not just where the new Scorpions head football coach hopes to send his opening opponent back with a loss.
“We tell the team, ‘We teach on weekdays and the test is on Friday night,’” Selle said. “So these guys will be out of the classroom and taking their test Friday.”
These test-takers will have fans cheering them on, however — and Selle and staff want to make sure the stands are filled with them. Expect to see SRRHS Scorpions flags flying from cars every game day and week, he said. The creation of assistant coach Tony Hauserman, the flags are being sold for $10 at the high school.
“In the first 24 hours I got my first 100, 30 of them had already sold,” Hauserman said. “People have just mobbed me.”
Paradise Honors High School will be the first subject Selle’s combination zone read and spread offense will tackle Friday, Aug. 29, as five of the Scorpions’ top six playmakers from last year return to open up a more pass-oriented playbook.
For the full story, please see the Friday, Aug. 29, issue of the Sedona Red Rock News.