Are things changing with you too? Well, first, you may have read weeks ago that I am in a relationship. Four whole months now. That is a big change in my life.
Throughout these months I have been inspired to work out at the gym and change my food choices, resulting in 27 pounds shed. I look different. Being with another person also evokes other changes within myself.
Recently, one of the places I lease in town, raised my rent. Days later, without knowing my situation, a friend told me about another place where I could lease for less. I will be looking into that situation over the next weeks, and deciding.
The other morning I was giving an introductory talk to a large group of guests at one of our most prestigious resorts, which I have been doing every other week, and next thing I know, comes a text from the man in charge, that the venue is being discontinued for an unknown amount of time.
I immediately responded that I would, then, shift my talks to their other establishment across town, which hosts a similar venue, and am in preliminary stages of seeing if that will come to fruit.
Six weeks ago the washing machine at home went on the blink and week after week the serviceman brought the wrong parts. Eventually we received a different washer and dryer. The noises from it are weird and often disturbing, though it is a newer model. But it’s laughable and doesn’t last long.
Two days later I learned from my property management company which represents the owner of the home I have resided in for four years, that the owner needs to sell it as soon as possible, so I must begin a search for the new, and start packing at the same time.
Immediately that afternoon, I began looking online at available rentals in Sedona, and after time in my office working, began driving to see the outside of several places.
Following day, it was arranged that I look inside one of the properties and it would work for me; not excite me but would be almost 90% like my home now, just a little different.
Next morning, I hear from the assigned broker, whom I know, that she has been given ‘my’ home to get sold, and mentioned she may have an interested investment buyer from out of town. It might work out tomorrow!
Through it all, I have ridden the waves and by my own philosophy of life and inner peace, adjusted calmly and with higher understanding, thereby staying patient and not budging off of my chosen kind and optimistic demeanor as I discuss all of these things with the various messengers.
Ride the winds of change in your life with ease. Perhaps these are quizzes to see how we’re doing, by a higher power. It’s all good and the winds can sweep us into more wonderful experiences ahead. Set your own sails and be the higher power within yourself to keep smooth sailing within your spirit.
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
View Rachel’s The Sedona New Age Show from her website where you can learn astrology, and read daily astrology forecasts. Also see clips of her video classes for purchase, and more. Reach Rachel at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698 or and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Each accurate, positive, empowering, healing Reading is tremendously insightful with spiritual inspiration via loving Tarot, Astrology, also a 100% accurate very little-known Cards system, Past Life insight and Numbers. Phone, Skype and local resident rates are discounted. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.