Adams gives final address as mayor1 min read

Sedona Mayor Rob Adams

Seeming relaxed and at times choking back tears, Mayor Rob Adams gave his fourth and final State of the City address a little more than a month before he leaves office.

It was standing room only on Thursday, Oct. 16, in the Sedona City Council chambers as Adams spoke for an hour about his nine years on the council and specifically the last six as mayor. Over that time he said he’s had many people tell him they wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

“To that, I respond with this thought: Being the mayor has many similarities to serving in the military,” he said. “The pay isn’t terrific and the conditions can be difficult or even hazardous. All that aside, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are serving your community and your state. There is no honor greater than that.”


After congratulating the four individuals who will be seated on the council next month, Adams said he wanted to take the audience back in time to 2008 — the year he took office as mayor. At that time, State Route 179 was a rural, two-lane road with no sidewalks, landscaping, medians, bicycle lanes or pedestrian lighting. State Route 89A’s sidewalks, roadway and Americans With Disabilities Act access points were in a deteriorated condition and there was no highway lighting, bicycle lanes or transit shelters. And, there were no roundabouts with art gracing their centers, and the bridge across Oak Creek at Tlaquepaque was nearing the end of its useful life.


To read the full story, see the Wednesday, Oct. 22, edition of the Sedona Red Rock News.

Larson Newspapers

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