I like to dismantle thoughts and words. We’re all talking about New Year’s resolutions, which can be looked at as re-(re-doing) solutions. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. Something Different this time!
How many times have you said, I am going to lose weight in the new year. Or said, I will worry less, or I will spend more time with my family, etc.
Have you made your resolutions yet for this coming year? Are they repeats of old resolutions? Perhaps all that is needed is to look for other solutions. Not the same thing that obviously didn’t resonate with You.
If diets don’t work for you, research your heart-mind for other ways. If you still fret as much or more, open your mind for other ways to chill out in your mind. Maybe it’s Not meditation or yoga that so many find helpful.
Perhaps for you, it’s simply talking with (what I call) God. With an openness to listen and hear and Believe. Or spiritual DVDs, services, or even Oprah’s OWN network with Super Soul Sunday and Help Desk.
There are solutions galore out there. The Native Americans have taught that where there is a poison, the antidote is close by. We just weren’t told that. Truth is, for every challenge, there are solutions. Some are outside the scope of what we were taught, however.
I’m not referring to poison ivy, but more the toxins we have been taking in. When it comes to food, we all like sweets and starches, but we also appreciate those things good for us.
A simple modification can be to make the good stuff taste amazing and have the other stuff less often. That I can live with, throughout my days. You?
In fact the body is such a helpmate that it will crave the other stuff less in pretty rapid time. It’s simply repetition of doing the same thing over, how we get addicted. And there is also good addiction.
Move the body, even if it’s just dancing, walking, stretching, etc. Your body will begin to crave more…Meaning: do what resonates to your liking and you will find it automatically becomes a desired and automatic priority.
The moment you judge yourself harshly is the beginning of more toxicity, like feeding yourself nasty, unhealthy criticisms. We are always perfect in the universe, made of the only substance that is real; divine source energy, which is ALL… all there is, and always perfect, as it has no judgment of itself.
Internally we always want to be better people, but that doesn’t require harsh criticism at all. We experiment with dark experiences and thoughts, and in time realize they work against us, even if we point the toxicity at others.
What others Do to us, we have to ask, what in me drew that experience my way; did I learn to later toss it aside and realize they knew no better, and I can just take my self-esteem back or simply lessen the load with forgiveness.
Everything occurs in divine source time, which is perfect time. You may want that baby to pop out now but it will be ripe and healthy in perfect time; not our time.
Worry wort may be a term, but some develop actual warts. All things physically challenging only show in the body when emotional burdens are left unresolved. Resolve to take a few minutes to re-think what you are feeding yourself. Remember when we point at another with our fore-finger, the thumb is pointing at us. Instead focus on visualizing a solution. You don’t even need to Know the solution, just expect one or more to show.
If you always focus on how you don’t like your mate’s annoying obsession or compulsions, notice how You obsess over that! Wow, had you ever really noticed your own stuff? Can you turn your attention to what you are grateful for?
Worry and fretting is simply consistently visualizing The Thing, though you actually desire healing. You get what you put your attention toward!!!
If visiting or working with people that are not currently warm and empowering, where are you putting your creative attention? Before you arrive, visualize getting along and plant some seeds of pleasant surprises.
Remember the light of God that we all are; before we act out negatively, based on how much love and self-esteem the other might not possess today.
Remember the word solutions. Resolve to see one of many solutions to your old habits, old acquaintance and, in fact, replace the word old with something more accurate. How many years have you been graced with having experiences on earth; or how much valuable wisdom has been gained by your time being alive?
Have you practiced faith, or just talked about it? Solutions come from faith. Faith is an inside job and everything that occurs on the outer, has its growth into manifestation from inner trust in how divine loving source operates.
Resolve to open your heart-mind to new solutions. If being told you are a sinner and life is hard is what you have faith in, try a new solution to inner peace and joy; take baby steps in believing we are born and die perfect. In between we do the best we can, which includes failing and falling, but through it all, things never cease to be perfect.
The solution and re-solution for 2015 can be: All there is, is love. At the base of everything, we are always striving to see the love in ourselves and everyone. Always remember, we all only act and react based on how much love we are willing to experience.
How’s this for a New Year Resolution?
Be the solution. Resolve to give everyone unconditional love, and hope for a better year for every single person on our planet. Without judgment. Start with yourself. The gift we receive is the whole feeling we experience within our heart-mind. That’s where the intentions of all our resolutions are aiming, ultimately, isn’t that true?
May 2015 be the most wonderful year yet, for you, and us all. Peace begins with who?
Love from Rachel Star of Sedona
View Rachel’s The Sedona New Age Show from her website www.goddesstheway.com where you can learn astrology, and read daily astrology forecasts. Also see clips of her video classes for purchase, and more. Reach Rachel at 928-282-3444, 850-566-6698, rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona. Each accurate, positive, empowering, healing Reading is tremendously insightful with spiritual inspiration via loving Tarot, Astrology, also a 100% accurate very little-known Cards system, Past Life insight and Numbers. Phone, Skype and local resident rates are discounted. Feel immediate physical and emotional relief with Reiki or Young Living medicine-grade essential oils.