Airport Vortex trail getting full overhaul1 min read

Mae Godfrey, left, holds a fence post as Jared Short drives it in. Both are members of the American Conservation Experience crew that is rehabilitating the Airport Vortex, removing all the equestrian trails while building a more sustainable trail up to the vortex behind a fence line.

A full rehabilitation of the trail over the Sedona Airport Saddle continues this week.

Using a state parks grant and with help from the city of Sedona and Friends of the Forest, the Red Rock Ranger District is coordinating work to widen and enhance the Airport Vortex Trail adjacent to the Sedona Airport.

“There is a lot to the story,” said Jennifer Burns, recreation staff officer for the Red Rock Ranger District. “[We are] restoring a site that is a ‘vortex’ and that’s been trampled to death.”

According to a 2013 Red Rock Trails planning summary, hikers make up 80 to 98 percent of all of the trail users in the Airport Loop area.

The resulting heavy use and creation of unmarked equestrian trails has destabilized the trail and resulted in enough damage, on and off the trail, to necessitate a new, wider route with improved signage.


While no estimate has been given for the completion date of the full rehabilitation, Burns and Forrest Saville, district trails lead, both expect work on fencing to continue through at least Friday, March 20.

For the full story and trail work schedule, please see the Wednesday, March 18, issue of the Sedona Red Rock News.

George Werner

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