Yes, Sedona teens, you now have a mountain biking club.
Village of Oak Creek physical therapist Eric Mace, in August 2014, was shocked to find out there wasn’t one in town.
“Sedona’s such a huge mountain biking community — a five-star location — and we had no team,” he said on a phone interview last week while bicycling through Alaska. “In some states, it is recognized, but in Arizona it’s still just a club.”
Albeit a far more active, competitive one than the big three team sports — baseball, basketball and football — “or a lot of those other sports where you’re waiting for something to happen,” Mace said. “You’re always out there moving.
“Mountain biking’s a lifetime sport. You get to ride every practice, race every race: Nobody gets cut.”
With the encouragement of SRRHS Principal Darrin Karuzas and West Sedona School Principal Scott Keller, Mace formed the club a year ago to race competitively at five fall meets. The first one will take place Sunday, Sept. 13, at Fort Tuthill County Park in Flagstaff.
The club will have its opening meeting Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 3:30 p.m. at the Schuerman Mountain Trailhead, located in the back of the Sedona Red Rock High School parking lot at its main entrance.
For the full story, please see the Wednesday, Aug. 5, issue of the Sedona Red Rock News.