Happy days are here again. Really.4 min read

Three, count them, three long years of hard emotional labor, are behind us now. You have the ‘get-out-of-jail-free,’ card. That was the no-nonsense teacher, Saturn, traveling through intensely transformational Scorpio.

The warden won’t return for 29 years, if you need purging, but yes, you can peek around the corner and see that the big bad wolf has retreated. You did work worth your weight in gold. The coast is clear now. 
Saturn is now beginning his journey of years, through optimistic, higher consciousness, educating, life-enhancing, freedom and truth-loving, law-giving, prospering Sagittarius.

The deep, dark work you have been subject to shoveling up from the coal mine of your buried hurts, negative programs going round and round like a broken record, angers, fears and self-loathing, have gotten some air, some light, and much has dissipated from letting go of outworn, old, crummy patterns.

Over these next couple of years, blessed with Saturn in Sagittarius now, we will also have Neptune, a very spiritually-connected planet, deeply affecting whether we add faith, compassionate service to mankind, and beautiful imaginings to the work Saturn asks of us, or will we direct Neptune’s ethereal flow into illusional fears or inner imprisoned chaos. For goodness’ sake, swim in the waters of thriving life.

Write that best seller, produce that video project or take those writing, film or acting classes. As an astrologer I might also suggest that a high use for these planetary configurations available, is to help those in prison or with mental challenges. The homeless or addicted.


Are they the walking dead?  Dead ‘men’ walking? Are we? How many among us have been on pharmaceutical medications, believing the pills are needed for life?  Hooked on booze, shopping, eating, gambling, sexual activity, television, facebook?

The emotional pains of life can take their toll on our hearts, minds and bodies, and the result can be a prescription, or using off the streets and bars, unless seeing life’s issues through the prism of light and miracles of living in God.

How many of us need therapy?  Every one among us, dear hearts. Even the happy banker with a loving wife and healthy, sweet kids. His earlier years of emotional abuse are likely still lingering, and though smiling outwardly, he may be days away from his first prescription for depression…

The successful businessperson who stays up without sleep to compete in their field, ending up in psychosis, or who fell while on a healthy run, is put on pain pills and not properly weaned off, ending up divorced , broken and lost.

It’s time to wake up and look at our systems. How are we handling our emotions? What ‘type’ of person is filling the jails? How is the justice system working? Is it overworked and are the innocent incarcerated?  Have we ignored looking at the bigger picture by hypnotizing ourselves watching The Walking Dead?

Happy Days can be for everyone. How can I make you happy? That depends on how I make myself happy, first. We most likely all have good intentions in a world of dog-eat-dog, competing to be better than everyone else, but Sagittarius is also about being involved in social groups; the opposite of competition.

Sagittarius is also about changing laws to be more conscious.  You can make a difference by spreading the word about the base reasons why prisons and mental facilities are so populated.

Sagittarius is also about athletics and sports. Be a good sport. Get a good routine for your body because it can keep you happy with endorphins. I endorse endorphins.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Have a Reading with Rachel by telephone or skype in the comfort of your own home, Or meet in her peaceful West Sedona Reading Room. Pop in to one or more ongoing basic astrology classes Wednesdays 3:30-5:00 for $20. Each accurate, empowering, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influences, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too. www.rachelstarofsedona.com. 928-282-3444, cell/text 850-566-6698, rachelstarofsedona@gmail.com and LIKE her Facebook page, Rachel Star of Sedona.

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