This Valuable Time to Sow5 min read

I don’t know why some people get it backwards year after year, and plant new affirmations to begin new habits, and for new experiences that are desired to grow, at Full Moons, when it is the New Moon’s heavenly job assignment.

Imagine a new balloon as representing the New Moon. It has no air in it yet. In fact it’s so small we can hardly see it. Then we blow air into it. More air, and more air. WE are doing that to it, affecting it. Eventually it is as full as it can get.

That is New Moon time, when we can hardly see the Moon. We should be giving air to, i.e. planting, sowing new habits and making those new efforts, to put out there, what we want to experience and grow bigger.

The full balloon is the full Moon, both as big as can be. As the Full Moon then gets smaller in size, day by day, it is like the balloon giving out the air that was put in it. It is the reaping of what was sown. So what we do at the New Moon is the payoff at the Full Moon.

And the Moon that had been full, still gets smaller, and smaller. It stands to reason that if we want to let go of some habits that aren’t in our best interests, to do that after the Moon has already been full, and is releasing, like the balloon.

At a New Moon make affirmations and actions, like a new exercise plan, which will grow and grow into a new habit, and keep us going that way. Once Full and getting smaller, like air being released, let go of hot air in our lives which doesn’t serve us any longer, like shedding excess weight, anger, guilt, shame, blame and bad habits, which will get smaller and lesser; eventually out of sight.


Now go one step further by realizing that we have a New Moon in every sign of the zodiac, as well as a Full Moon in every sign of the zodiac. Take the characteristic traits of the zodiac sign and stir that into the soup. “To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under the sun.”

Friday, May 6 is our once-a-year New Moon in Taurus. We can start seeding this heavenly timed season with purpose even 1-2 days before it occurs, Friday at 12:29 pm Pacific time. The New Moon will be at 16 degrees and 41 minutes, rounded out to 17 degrees, of Taurus. Where that is located in your horoscope will tell your personal story of what to do; how to use it best for your growth.

Taurus is an earth sign, and rules the earth, the ground; so at this New Moon we LITERALLY could plant seeds. Plant a new bloom in your garden or home, or both. Since Taurus also rules your financial worth, this is the time to watch your plant grow as a symbol of your income and value growing.

Other Taurean traits for you to grow over the next 2-4 weeks are things of beauty and love. Let’s start with self-worth or esteem. You may criticize your body but remember how valuable she is to you, how much she helps you, and love her, seeing her real intrinsic value.

Taurus also represents romance, sensuality, your earthly body, and the finer things in life. Shop and you will find quality items at a frugal cost. Get those coupons to enjoy the finest restaurants and wine. Have or give a massage. Cook, taste and value the ingredients by considering the journey, involving others, in how they came to your table and body.

Ruled by Venus, Taurus also rules the sweetness of life and love. Don’t be afraid of the sweet treats, for it is only your negative perception that creates harm; all things in Taurus ask for balance and moderation.

Value the love in your life. Give presents. Fear and focus on lacking of funds stops the natural flow of abundance. Again, balance is the rule, giving and receiving. Sometimes the biggest gift is your presence. Show up. With Taurus ruling all things of value, realize that listening and patience are valuable virtues. Bring flowers or fruits and veggies that you grew.

As earthy as Taurus is, take a walk on the red rocks, in a local park, or hold hands walking with your true love, in your own backyard/neighborhood.

With Mercury (communication) and Mars (forward movement) both in backwards/retrograde motion, going over where it already was, in the past, (see previous blogs from April), your best (Taurus) income value may now come from previous, past clients and customers, by offering them a real bargain on something very valuable.

Wishing you the sweetness of chocolate, and unconditional, nonjudgmental love for mankind. Hold on to your values, even in the seeming backwardness of events.

Love from Rachel Star of Sedona

Have a positive and empowering Reading with Rachel by telephone, Skype OR meet with Rachel in her (non-office, non-retail store) serene Sedona Reading location. Pop in to ongoing basic Astrology classes Wednesdays 3:30-5:00, or Fridays 4:00–5:30, for $20. Each accurate, insight-packed Reading renders peace of mind via loving Tarot, Astrology, Past Life influence, and a 100%-accurate destiny system, all included, evoking clarity and emotional relief. Book Rachel Star of Sedona for events too. or call 928-282-3444, cell/text 850-566-6698, email and LIKE her Face book page, Rachel Star of Sedona and Friend her at Rachel Spirit.


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