Local businesswoman Heather Hermen’s company Front Burner Media keeps on growing.
Hermen recently acquired the contract to handle tourism marketing for Williams. The town’s chamber of commerce previously handled the account, but the city decided to stop funding, stating that it supported the local chamber, just not financially. It was reported that the new contract would save Williams nearly $90,000 annually in its budget.
“Four years ago, I began working with the Williams-Grand Canyon Chamber of Commerce to handle their destination marketing and public relations. This year, the city decided to explore options and see what would happen if funds were shifted. What could that mean for the bottom line in terms of dollars to invest and if the chamber of commerce serves a purpose in the community besides marketing the area?” Hermen said. “After many discussions, meetings and number crunching, it was determined that we could more efficiently market the destination, invest more dollars in a plan without funding the chamber, and allow them, the chamber, to determine their future course of action.”
According to a story in the Williams News, the Williams chamber has shuttered since losing the city contract. The story reported that 70 percent of that chamber’s money came from the city.
At the June 14 Sedona City Council meeting, Councilman John Martinez questioned whether the city should put out a request for proposal for tourism services the Sedona Chamber of Commerce currently provides. “To see if there is something better at the same or lower cost,” Martinez reasoned, while stating he was happy with the Sedona chamber’s performance.
Hypothetically, if an RFP were put out, a company like Hermen’s could bid on it.
However, she said her taking over the Williams tourism contract and the role the Sedona chamber plays is not an apples-to-apples comparison.
Admitting her bias — she worked for the chamber for several years and is a personal friend of chamber CEO and President Jennifer Wesselhoff — she said, “What they do is more than what an outside agent could offer in the price range they work with.
“Sedona functions as a true two-fold organization. They have a chamber of commerce with a robust plan for businesses. They offer educational, training opportunities, newsletters, networking events and more. Williams’ chamber was doing a fraction of that as a chamber of commerce and had to really sit down and evaluate what their purpose was.”
The city of Williams contracted with its chamber at $310,479 for fiscal year 2015-16, according to the Williams News, while the Sedona chamber contracted with the city this year with a budget of $2.01 million funded primarily through the city’s bed tax.
Still, she didn’t dismiss an RFP as a total waste.
“I can understand Mr. Martinez’s desire to explore the options and put it out for an RFP. Perhaps that is what’s needed to show the cost comparisons, level of expectations and talent. I think it would be a real eye-opener for Mr. Martinez and the rest of the council members to see just what they have in terms of the value they are getting from the Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau.”
As far as the 5-year-old business’ plan for Williams, Hermen said she plans to be aggressive.
Her company will “beef up our digital marketing, add social media campaigns with trip giveaways and pitch media from across the country. We’ll be advertising and promoting signature events such as Man Vs. Machine in September, Mountain Village Holiday, rodeos and parades. We’ll also attend media marketplace events that are sponsored by the Arizona Office of Tourism and attend IPW [a trade show in New Orleans].”