The city of Sedona is in the process of gathering input from residents in regard to proposed fencing at Midgley Bridge.
Even though the city has no direct say over the state-owned bridge, the Arizona Department of Transportation has requested the city to host a public meeting on the matter, City Engineer Andy Dickey said.
“The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public as to what ADOT is proposing to do,” he said.
The community is invited to an information session regarding the design of a proposed suicide prevention barrier for Midgley Bridge on Thursday, July 7, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall.
As a result of Midgley Bridge being the site of five suicides since last August, and since it is just outside of city limits on State Route 89A, Mayor Sandy Moriarty urged a partnership between ADOT and the city of Sedona.
ADOT has agreed to place a suicide prevention barrier on Midgley Bridge in order to prevent further loss of life as early as September. Previous community efforts to prevent suicides at the bridge included posting signs with a local suicide hotline, along with community awareness and outreach.
“We are concerned that despite local community efforts, there will continue to be loss of life,” Moriarty said. “Not only are these incidents tragic, but the profound effects on our community and our emergency providers who respond to these events cannot be measured.”
Dickey said that due to the narrowness of the roadway over the bridge, the proposed fencing will not curve in at the top as it does over roadways in areas like Phoenix.
“While we’re limited on how the barrier will look due to the engineering limitations of Midgley Bridge and the fact that it is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places, which makes the barrier design further restricted by federal design standards, we are pleased all jurisdictions involved in this project are working together to provide a solution to this unfortunate issue,” Sedona Community Development Director Audree Juhlin said.
Midgley Bridge is under the jurisdiction of ADOT but is located in Coconino County. The parking lot adjacent to the bridge is owned by the U.S. Forest Service. And while Sedona does not own any part of the bridge, officers from the Sedona Police Department and crews from the Sedona Fire District are usually the first on the scene at the bridge. The bridge also is prominently displayed as part of the city’s logo.
“Therefore it’s critical that we work together to identify and implement mitigation strategies such as a suicide prevention barrier,” Moriarty said.