Police arrested a man after he barricaded himself in his car and threatened shoot “as many people as he needed to.”
At around 1:50 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20, Sedona police officers were dispatched to a local restaurant in reference to an ex-employee who had entered the restaurant and was causing a disturbance. The employee, 46-year-old Michael Pastore, had been terminated the previous day, said Cmdr. Marlayne Hatler of the SFD.
She said Pastore aggressively approached the manager yelling and cussing at him. Other employees had to restrain him from physically making contact with the manager and escorted him outside.
Pastore had left the restaurant prior to officers arrival. In an attempt to locate Pastore, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office was contacted since he reportedly lived in the Village of Oak Creek. Earlier, YCSO had responded to his residence on a welfare check. His wife had reported his behavior was erratic and he was possibly suicidal. He had told her he had a gun and she was concerned for his well being.
“At approximately 2:45 p.m., Pastore called 911 and reported that he knew the police were looking for him,” Hatler said. “He told the dispatcher that he was driving southbound on State Route 179. He then told the dispatcher he was stopping at West Mallard Drive and he had a loaded gun with him. He stated he planned to use the gun on as many people as he needed to.”
Pastore was located by officers parked along State Route 179 at West Mallard Drive. Sedona officers and YCSO deputies stopped traffic on State Route 179 in both directions before attempting to contact Pastore.
Officers ordered Pastore out of the vehicle. Hatler said he initially barricaded himself in the vehicle while not responding to the officer’s commands. A short time later, Pastore abruptly exited the vehicle and made a motion with something in his hand as if he had a gun. The black item in his hand was determined to be a pair of sunglasses, she said. Officers and deputies were able to take Pastore into custody without incident. No gun was found to be in Pastore’s possession.
Pastore was booked into Coconino County Jail on charges of aggravated assault, assault, disorderly conduct and hoax.