Racquet Club spreads over $75K of weight room wealth3 min read

Circuit weight machines surround Sedona Red Rock High School athletic director John Parks. Over 50 such machines, free weights, stationary bicycles, treadmills and other weight room equipment were donated by the Sedona Racquet Club to SRRHS. An estimated $75,000 worth of equipment was donated — too much for Parks’ weight room to hold it all, due to space considerations. So some older equipment was donated in late June to Camp Verde and Mayer high schools.

The Sedona Racquet Club may be gone, but its weights live on at Sedona Red Rock High School and two other high school weight rooms. 

“This is how this weight room’s been built over the years,” said John Parks, SRRHS athletic director. “Other fitness centers in town that have gone out of business have thought of us when they were giving donations away.” 

But the racquet club’s June donation to the Sedona Red Rock High School weight room was so generous, it trickled down to two other high schools as well.

“You start adding shipping there, too, I’ll bet it’s probably $75,000,” Parks said. “It was a lot of unbelievable stuff. We live by this.”

That includes rubber flooring that surfaces the weight room. When new, it can cost almost $6,000, Parks said.


“We have some more rolled rubber mats; we just haven’t put it all in yet,” Parks said. “It was donated just for the weight room. Rubber flooring’s expensive.”

That was the last week of May, before the second shipment of the equipment arrived — including a golf cart that pushed the total value of the donation closer to $100,000, according to SRRHS head football coach John Bradshaw.

The cart will not only help transport injured players but help relieve assistant coach Tony Hauserman’s chronic foot pain.

“It’ll help Tony get off his feet,” Bradshaw said. “We weren’t even sure he was going to coach this year, his feet hurt so bad.”

Although the original idea for the donation was SRRHS boys tennis head coach Phil Kovac’s, Bradshaw said, his football players and son Mason, an incoming University of Arizona sophomore, formed the muscle behind the two-day move.

“That saved us some money,” Bradshaw laughed. “We got up early on one day, moved all day long, then [did it again] until the sun went down.”

The SRRHS weight room had space for:

■ Three treadmills
■ Two new recumbent stationary bicycles
■ Two squat racks
■ One set of 10 dumbbells
■ A “whole bunch” of free weights, Parks said — 18 by his count — and
■ Another 18 weight machines.

“Lat pull[down]s, leg curls, leg ups, ellipticals, you name it,” Parks said. “A lot of stuff.”

After the second week of June, Camp Verde and Mayer high schools were called to haul off the rest — at least seven pieces of equipment per school, Bradshaw said.

“Machines we weren’t going to use, because they had duplicates of similar types,” Parks added. “Leg curl [and] extension machines, some older treadmills and ellipticals that need a little servicing [that] they were willing to service. They wouldn’t all fit in there.”

The Scorpions’ football team has been using the new equipment for its preseason workouts Mondays through Thursdays at 4 p.m.

“I still have to secure some,” Bradshaw said. “Not that it’s unsafe; it’s just not perfect.”

George Werner

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