City dog park to get upgrades3 min read

As a result of high usage and deteriorating conditions, it was determined that something needed to be done at the Posse Grounds Dog Park.

This year, the Sedona Parks and Recreation Department hosted four open houses to garner public input on what it would like to see at the 1.5-acre park, located at the corner of Soldier Pass Road and Carruth Drive. A wish list of sorts was gathered and from it a master plan was drawn up by Norris Design.

It was the City Council’s turn to weigh in on the plan during its Tuesday, Aug. 9, meeting. No action was taken but council did give Parks and Recreation Manager Rachel Murdoch input as to what it would like to see this fiscal year.

Improvements set to be made in the upcoming months will include the parking area, water station, new surface material and address the drainage/erosion problem. Murdoch said improving these areas will improve the cleanliness of the park, its accessibility and the overall experience of enjoying the park. Should additional funding become available in the future, they will have a plan of what new amenities can be added or what upgrades can be completed within the dog park.

The work to be done will go out to bid and will come back before the council. Construction is expected to be done by spring of next year.

“At the meetings [open houses] it became very clear that though people would appreciate multiple improvements in a variety of areas, there was a definite trend in support of a few specific areas,” Murdoch said. “It was that information that helped us prioritize the areas of enhancement.”

In addition, she said trash and animal waste cans will be emptied daily and on Fridays, city crews will do a sweep of the park to do any necessary maintenance work. In addition, volunteers will be provided tools for minor day-to-day work.


This past fiscal year, council approved $18,120 for a master plan design to be created for the Sedona Dog Park to address concerns of both citizens and staff. The master plan has been created and addresses all improvements that can be made over time. A construction budget of $203,010 has already been approved for the current fiscal year to move forward on completing some of the upgrades to the park facility, a city report states.

The new master plan is all encompassing and includes many more upgrades than will be completed during this current budgeted project.

“While it would be wonderful to include all recommendations, staff is pleased to be able to improve upon the top concerns that park users expressed,” Murdoch said.

As for the improvements that will be made in six to eight months, the biggest will be the expansion of the parking facilities at the park. Currently, park-goers park parallel to Carruth Drive, which has room for about nine to 10 cars. The plan calls for widening that area, which would allow cars to be parked at an angle as opposed to parallel. In addition, an area inside the park will we paved adding even more spaces bringing the total to at least 20 with two handicapped spaces.

Other work to be completed will include laying a new concrete surface, which will help to mitigate erosion by channeling water to the drainage area. It will also provide a path through the site avoiding mud and dust.

The decomposed granite surface will be redone by placing a new layer on the existing surface. There will be a new artificial turf area installed for dogs with sensitive pads. They will be removing the large mound inside the park, which will allow for more usable space. In addition, water stations will be improved.

“If we can meet half of what’s in here [master plan], it’s going to be outstanding,” Vice Mayor John Martinez said.

Larson Newspapers

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