Unofficial election results are in from Yavapai County and Coconino County. Below are the results from local and contested races.
Sedona Mayor
Running uncontested, Mayor Sandy Moriarty won reelection with 951 votes in Yavapai County, 95.10 percent, and 443 votes, 95.47 percent in Coconino County.
Sedona City Council, 4-year
For the three four-year seats, results are:
Joe Vernier, 405, 28.85 percent, Coconino
1,255 total
John Martinez, incumbent, 323, 23.01 percent, Coconino
1,127 total
Jessica Williamson, incumbent, 301, 21.99 percent, Coconino
1,035 total
John Currivan, 361, 25.71 percent, Coconino
1,133 total
There were 53 write-ins.
Note that these results do not reflect processing of all ballots. “No determination of election will be made until all ballots are processed and we receive the unofficial final results from Coconino and Yavapai counties,” Sedona City Clerk Susan Irvine said.
The margin, aka “magic number” threshold at this point is 758.333, rounded up to 759. As all four candidates reached this threshold, total number of votes determine the winners, thus, Joe Vernier, John Currivan and incumbent Vice Mayor John Martinez have been unofficially elected. Incumbent Jessica Williamson was not elected.
Sedona City Council, 2-year
For the one two-year seats, results are:
Tom Lamkin, incumbent, 286, 53.06 percent, Coconino
892 total
Gerhard Mayer, 251, 46.57 percent, Coconino
795 total
Incumbent Tom Lamkin defeated Gerhard Mayer and will not face a runoff.
Question 1, APS Franchise Agreement
Yes, 793, 74.39 percent,Yavapai
Yes, 339, 78.65 percent, Coconino
No, 273, 25.61 percent, Yavapai
No, 92, 21.35 percent, Coconino
Question 2, UES Franchise Agreement
Yes, 824, 78.93 percent, Yavapai
Yes, 357, 83.80 percent, Coconino
No, 220, 21.07 percent, Yavapai
No, 69, 16.2 percent Coconino
Yavapai County Board Of Supervisors – District 3, Republican
Diane Joens, 1,344, 38.43 percent
There were no other candidates from other parties nor independents in this race. Garrison is de facto supervisor-elect.
Verde Valley Constable, Republican
Jody Fanning, 3,398, 55.70 percent
Carlos Godina, 1,442, 23.64 percent
Monte Reimer, 1,247, 20.44 percent
There were no other candidates from other parties nor independents in this race. Fanning is de facto constable-elect.
Yavapai County Assessor, Republican
Pam Pearsall, 13,577, 47.72 percent
Judd Simmons, 14,856, 52.21 percent
There were no other candidates from other parties nor independents in this race. Simmons is de facto assessor-elect.
U.S. Senate, Democratic
Ann Kirkpatrick, 9,329, 97.37 percent in Yavapai County, 8,435, 98.55 percent in Coconino County
U.S. Senate, Republican
Yavapai County
John McCain, incumbent, 12,233, 49.35 percent
Alex Meluskey, 1,712, 6.91 percent
Clair Van Steenwyk, 859, 3.47 percent
Kelli Ward, 9,930, 40.06 percent
Coconino County
John McCain, incumbent, 3,230, 50.18 percent
Alex Meluskey, 304, 4.72 percent
Clair Van Steenwyk, 170, 2.64 percent
Kelli Ward, 2,717, 42.21 percent
John McCain currently has 51.64 percent of the vote, ahead of:
Kelli Ward at 39.21 percent
Alex Melusky, who dropped out this summer at 5.51 percent
Clair Van Steenwyk at 3.63 percent.
U.S. House, District 1, Democratic
Yavapai County
Tom O’Halleran, 1,277, 73.31 percent
Miguel Olivas, 455, 26.12 percent
Coconino County
Tom O’Halleran, 5,704, 68.32 percent
Miguel Olivas, 2,600, 31.14 percent
U.S. House, District 1, Republican
Yavapai County
Paul Babeu, 774, 32.70 percent
Ken Bennett, 460, 19.43 percent
David Gowan, 75, 3.17 percent
Gary Kiehne, 376, 15.89 percent
Shawn Redd, 52, 2.2 percent
Wendy Rogers, 622, 26.28 percent
Coconino County
Paul Babeu, 1,610, 26.03 percent
Ken Bennett, 1,413, 22.85 percent
David Gowan, 239, 3.86 percent
Gary Kiehne, 900, 14.55 percent
Shawn Redd, 214, 3.46 percent
Wendy Rogers, 1,785, 28.86 percent
Paul Babeu, 31.54 percent
Gary Kiehne, 23.30 percent
Wendy Rogers, 22.29 percent
Ken Bennett, 16.06 percent
David Gowan, 3.52 percent, current speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives who dropped out the race in July and faced numerous allegations of corruption, including having to repay the state for illegal use of travel funds, and attacked transparancy and public notices.
Shawn Redd, 3.29 percent
U.S. House, District 4, Republican
Paul Gosar, incumbent, 15,593
Ray Strauss, 5,880
Arizona State House, District 1, Republican
Two seats:
Noel Campbell, 14,512, 39.13 percent
Arlo G. “Chip” Davis, 11,357, 30.62 percent
David Stringer, 11,134, 30.02 percent
Statewide (Yavapai and Maricopa counties)
Noel Campbell, 18,181, 38.61 percent
David Stringer, 14,469, 30.73 percent
Arlo G. “Chip” Davis, 14,441, 30.67 percent
This district does not include the Verde Valley, but Chip Davis is Yavapai County’s current District 3 supervisor, who appears to be in a tough fight against David Stringer for the second seat in the district.
Arizona Corporation Commission
Three seats
Robert Bob Burns, 14,046, 22.84 percent
Andy Tobin, 17,977, 29.24 percent
Rick Gray, 10,143, 16.50 percent
Boyd Dunn, 10,010, 16.28 percent
Al Melvin, 8,823, 14.35 percent
Robert Bob Burns, 230,336, 23.77 percent
Andy Tobin, 224,617, 23.18 percent
Boyd Dunn, 183,976, 18.99 percent
Rick Gray, 175,950, 18.16 percent
Al Melvin, 154,002, 15.89 percent
Cottonwood Mayor
Tim Elinski, 756, 45.05 percent
Holly Grigaitis, 486, 28.96 percent
Terence Pratt, 436, 25.98 percent
Cottonwood City Council
Three open seats
Ruben Jauregui, 850, 22.75 percent
Deb Althouse, 747, 19.99 percent
Albert Hilberger, 713, 19.08 percent
Jackie Nairn, 711, 19.03 percent
Henry Tosca, 706, 18.89 percent
Camp Verde Mayor
Charlie German 839, 55.34 percent
David Boily, 672, 44.33 percent
Camp Verde Town Council
Three open seats
Jessie Murdock, 934, 23.13 percent
Buck Buchanan, 849, 21.03 percent
Dee Jenkins, 774, 19.17 percent
Carol German, 757, 18.75 percent
Bruce George, 707, 17.51 percent
Total Ballots
Of the 130,335 registered voters in Yavapai County 36,945 cast ballots, for a voter turnout of 28.35 percent.
Non-Partisan, 209
Democratic Party, 10,476
Green Party, 134
Libertarian Party, 101
Republican Party, 26,025
Of the 72,709 registered voters in Yavapai County 15,854 cast ballots, for a voter turnout of 21.80 percent. Coconino County does not tally votes by party.